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发布时间:2018-08-03 08:32
【摘要】:敬业度的调研和研究无论是在业界还是学术界,近几年都如火如荼地进行着,因为敬业度被证明是预测企业经营绩效的良好指标之一,其信度要远超曾流行一时的满意度。通过对敬业度水平的检测来审视企业的经营状况、员工的工作状况,进而针对薄弱环节制定出相应管理策略以激励员工、最大发挥员工的工作自主性和工作积极性,为企业创造最大的收益。影响敬业度的因素很多,薪酬、工作环境、工作特征、客户尊重等等都会干扰员工对于自己岗位工作的认知,进而决定多大程度上投入到工作和组织中去,而这种程度的大小就是敬业度的高低。总的来说,敬业度是受人与工作环境的互动关系影响的,具体来说又分为人与工作岗位的互动和人与组织的互动。本研究探讨人与工作岗位的互动关系对敬业度的影响,并且将人与组织互动关系中很重要的领导成员关系(以下简称LMX)作为调节变量来研究,这也填补了敬业度研究中用LMX作为调节变量的空白。本研究最终目的在于说明个人——工作契合的哪些维度对敬业度产生影响,而LMX又是否在其关系中间起到调节了影响作用。 本研究经过相关文献回顾,提出假设;然后运用科学的方法进行了问卷调查,样本为分布在全国房地产企业的278名从业人员;并且运用SPSS16.0统计软件对数据进行了分析,通过科学方法检验了本研究的7个假设,其中4个假设得到验证支持,3个假设未得到验证支持。 本研究主要得出以下三大结论:首先,人口统计特征变量在年龄、学历、本单位工作年限和职位层级上的敬业度水平有差异;其次,个人——工作契合对敬业度的影响中,供给——需要契合与自我概念——工作契合对敬业度有正向影响,而要求——能力契合与敬业度无相关性;最后,LMX能显著正向调节供给——需要契合与敬业度的关系,而不能调节自我概念——工作契合与敬业度的关系。
[Abstract]:The research and research of the degree of respect of respect is carried out in the industry and the academic circle in recent years, because the degree of respect is proved to be one of the good indicators to predict the performance of the enterprise. Its reliability is far more than the once popular satisfaction. Through the examination of the level of respect for the degree of respect for the business, the working status of the enterprise and the employee's work form are examined. And then, according to the weak link, formulate the corresponding management strategies to motivate the employees, maximize the employees' work autonomy and work enthusiasm, create the maximum income for the enterprise. There are many factors affecting the degree of dedication, such as salary, work environment, work characteristics, customer respect and so on, which will interfere with the employees' cognition of their job. In general, the degree of respect is influenced by the interaction between people and the working environment. In particular, it is also divided into interaction between people and jobs and the interaction between people and organizations. This study explores the interaction relationship between people and jobs. The influence of karma, and the important leadership relationship (hereinafter referred to as LMX) in the interaction relationship between human and organization, is studied as an adjustment variable, which also fills in the blank of LMX as an adjustment variable in the study of respect for the degree of respect. The final purpose of this study is to explain which dimensions of individual job fit have an impact on the degree of dedication, and LMX Whether it has played a regulating role in the relationship between them.
After reviewing the relevant literature and putting forward the hypothesis, then using the scientific method to carry out a questionnaire survey, the sample is 278 employees distributed in the national real estate enterprise, and the data are analyzed with SPSS16.0 statistics software and 7 hypotheses are tested by scientific method, of which 4 hypotheses are verified. Hold, 3 hypotheses are not supported.
The main conclusions of this study are the following three main conclusions: first, demographic variables are different in age, education, working life and job level, and secondly, in the impact of personal job fit on the degree of dedication, supply - the need to fit and self - I have a positive impact on the degree of dedication However, there is no correlation between the requirements of competence and the degree of professionalism; in the end, the LMX can significantly positively regulate the supply - a relationship with the degree of engagement, but not the self concept - the relationship between job matching and the degree of dedication.


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