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发布时间:2018-08-05 17:28
[Abstract]:In recent years, Fujian land transfer total revenue and expenditure are on the rise. The income and expenditure of land transfer is closely related to economy and finance, which is mainly reflected in the influence of land transfer on economic growth, industrial structure, financial resources, rural economy and so on through local financial resources and real estate market. The analysis of land supply structure and transaction price shows that the imbalance of land supply and demand is one of the reasons to push up the commodity housing price in recent years, and the influence of government land supply on local financial resources is different. By analyzing the relationship between land transfer income and related economic indicators, it is shown that land transfer income and real estate related tax, urban fixed asset investment, commodity housing price increase trend are convergent, Land transfer income and urban fixed assets investment are causality, land transfer income is one of the important reasons for the change of average price of commercial housing. Finally, the paper puts forward the main problems and countermeasures of land transfer.
【作者单位】: 中国人民银行福州中心支行;


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