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发布时间:2018-08-09 19:22
【摘要】:随着国民经济的飞速发展,我国涌现出新的建设高潮,如高速公路网、高等级公路网、高速铁路网、水利水电、港口码头以及房地产项目等建设。在这些项目建设过程中,边坡问题随处可见,且我国每年因滑坡问题造成巨大的经济损失和人员伤亡。由于降雨和蒸发周期性循环、地下水迁移、库水位周期性升降使得许多边坡工程处于复杂的干湿循环交替环境之中,而这种环境作用正是诱发许多土质边坡发生滑坡灾害的重要原因。 本文结合高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(20110191120033)和中央高校基本科研业务费科研专项自然科学类项目资助(CDJZR12200012),通过室内试验,理论研究和数值模拟等方法从细观力学的角度出发,研究粉质粘土在干湿循环作用下的强度劣化规律、土质边坡失稳判据,以及土质边坡颗粒流强度折减法。主要研究成果如下: ①通过粉质粘土的室内试验研究,获得宏观力学参数偏应力q随轴应变1的变化规律,,偏应力峰值随干湿循环次数增加减小;以及干湿循环作用下的粉质粘土强度参数c,的变化规律,c值随干湿循环次数增加减小,而值相对平稳。 ②基于试验分析与颗粒流理论,建立粉质粘土宏观力学参数与细观力学参数的对应关系,通过数值试验获得粉质粘土的细观参数,对细观力学下的粉质粘土强度变化规律与宏观参数变化规律作对比分析。具体表现为摩擦力系数和粘结强度收到不同程度的劣化,而颗粒间的摩擦力系数和法向粘结强度受到劣化程度较小,切向粘结强度受到的劣化程度十分显著,这与室内实验结果十分吻合。 ③在前人对安全系数定义法和失稳判据研究的基础上,基于颗粒流法理论,提出了细观力学下粉质粘土边坡的失稳判据和边坡稳定的安全系数计算方法,列举一个经典算例对其进行了验证。 ④对四川境内一长期处于干湿交替循环作用下的粉质粘土边坡进行分析,由其宏观力学参数反算出细观力学参数,用颗粒流折减系数法对边坡的安全系数进行计算,并分析边坡的失稳全过程。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of national economy, there is a new construction climax in China, such as highway network, high grade highway network, high-speed railway network, water conservancy and hydropower, port and wharf, real estate projects and so on. In the construction of these projects, slope problems can be seen everywhere, and the landslide causes huge economic losses and casualties in China every year. Because of the periodic circulation of rainfall and evaporation, the migration of groundwater and the periodic rise and fall of reservoir water level, many slope projects are in the complicated environment of alternate dry-wet cycle. And this kind of environment action is the important reason that induces many soil slope landslide disaster. In this paper, by means of laboratory test, theoretical research and numerical simulation, the author combines the special research fund of doctorate in colleges and universities (20110191120033) and the special natural science project (CDJZR12200012) of basic scientific research business expenses of central colleges and universities from the viewpoint of mesomechanics. This paper studies the law of strength deterioration of silty clay under dry and wet circulation, the criterion of soil slope instability, and the strength reduction method of soil slope particle flow. The main research results are as follows: 1 through the laboratory test of silty clay, the variation law of macroscopic mechanical parameter deviation stress Q with axial strain 1 is obtained, and the peak value of deflection stress decreases with the increase of dry and wet cycles; And the change rule of the strength parameter c of silty clay under dry and wet cycle is that c value decreases with the increase of dry and wet cycle times, but the value is relatively stable. 2 based on experimental analysis and particle flow theory, The relationship between the macroscopic mechanical parameters and the meso-mechanical parameters of silty clay was established. The meso-parameters of silty clay were obtained by numerical experiments, and the variation law of strength and macroscopic parameters of silty clay under micromechanics was compared and analyzed. The results show that the friction coefficient and bond strength are degraded to different degrees, while the friction coefficient and normal bond strength between particles are degraded to a lesser extent, and the tangential bond strength is obviously degraded. This is in good agreement with the results of laboratory experiments. 3 based on the previous researches on the definition of safety factor and the criterion of instability, based on the theory of particle flow method, The criterion of instability of silty clay slope under micromechanics and the method of calculating safety factor of slope stability are put forward. A classical example is given to verify it. (4) A silty clay slope in Sichuan is analyzed under the action of dry and wet alternating cycle for a long time, and the meso-mechanical parameters are calculated back from its macroscopic mechanical parameters. The safety factor of slope is calculated by particle flow reduction coefficient method, and the whole process of slope instability is analyzed.


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