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发布时间:2018-08-10 18:31
【摘要】:随着市场经济的发展,人民生活水平的不断提高,人们的住房消费观念也在发生着很大的变化,近年来国内房地产交易呈现蓬勃发展,实现了地方税收的大幅增加,房地产税收已经成为地方税收的主要来源之一。为了抑制不良的炒房行为,国家出台了一系列税收政策来合理地指导居民的住房消费,但随着存量房交易价格的不断上涨,很多房地产交易的纳税人纳税意识淡薄,法律观念不强,经常通过低报瞒报交易价格来逃避税负。仅仅依靠传统的纸质文档和电子表格对房地产交易信息进行管理,工作量大,工作效率低,导致征管力度不够,税源控管漏洞多,房地产税收流失严重。 针对上述问题,本文运用房地产评估技术,开发了一个房地产税收一体化信息管理系统。全文按照软件工程的标准流程展开,系统整体技术架构采用B/S模式,前台采用AJAX+XML技术,后台采用J2EE技术,后台数据库使用微软的SQL Server2000数据库。整个系统实现了项目登记管理、税源信息管理、综合查询管理和系统设置管理功能。 该系统经过测试,证明其各项功能已经能够满足文山地税房地产税收管理的需求,目前系统已经在云南省文山地税局试运行中,目前系统的运行情况良好,各项指标都令人满意。系统节省了公司的人力成本和管理成本;税收部门的工作效率得到了很大的提高。
[Abstract]:With the development of market economy and the continuous improvement of people's living standard, people's concept of housing consumption is also undergoing great changes. In recent years, domestic real estate transactions have developed vigorously, and the local tax revenue has been greatly increased. Real estate tax has become one of the main sources of local taxation. In order to curb the bad property speculation behavior, the state has issued a series of tax policies to guide the residents' housing consumption reasonably. However, with the rising of the transaction price of the stock housing, many real estate taxpayers have a weak sense of paying taxes. Legal concept is not strong, often by understating the transaction price to avoid tax burden. Only relying on the traditional paper documents and electronic forms to manage the real estate transaction information, the workload is large and the work efficiency is low, which leads to insufficient collection and management, many loopholes in tax source control, and serious loss of real estate tax revenue. In view of the above problems, this paper develops an integrated information management system of real estate taxation by using real estate evaluation technology. The whole system adopts the B / S mode, the foreground adopts AJAX XML technology, the backstage adopts J2EE technology, and the backstage database uses Microsoft SQL Server2000 database. The whole system realizes the functions of project registration management, tax source information management, comprehensive query management and system setup management. The system has been tested and proved to be able to meet the needs of real estate tax management of Wenshan Land tax. At present, the system has been in trial operation of Yunnan Wenshan Land tax Bureau, and the system is running well at present. All indicators are satisfactory. The system saves the company's labor cost and management cost, and the efficiency of the tax department is greatly improved.


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