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发布时间:2018-08-10 21:05
【摘要】:随着市场竞争激烈程度的加剧以及业主维权意识越来越强,房地产开发项目质量问题成为企业、业主等关注的焦点。同时,传统的质量控制理论无法解决由于企业职能部门分工而导致的职能部门之间难以协调以及信息难以及时反馈等问题,从而出现管理真空或者重叠的现象。文章将价值链的思想运用到房地产开发项目的质量控制中,尝试从房地产开发项目价值链的角度出发来分析和解决问题,对提升房地产开发项目质量控制的持续改进能力,具有重要的理论和实践意义。 文章通过对基本概念、价值链理论以及质量控制理论的研究,尝试构建基于价值链的房地产开发项目质量控制评价指标体系,将价值链理论引入到房地产开发项目质量控制领域。文章首先对房地产开发项目价值链进行一般研究,分析房地产开发项目价值链中的基本活动和辅助活动,介绍了基于价值链质量控制的一般方法。然后通过文献研究和工程实践总结,构建了基于价值链的房地产开发项目质量控制评价指标体系,并建立了房地产开发项目质量模糊层次分析数学模型。最后文章还运用价值链理论对房地产开发项目质量控制做实证研究,分析了房地产开发项目价值链中基本活动的质量控制,将房地产开发项目价值链中作业链进行分解,并针对房地产开发项目实施环节的质量问题运用模糊综合评价法进行定量评价,证明了文章理论研究的科学性和可行性。 同时,文章归纳了房地产开发项目质量控制实践中出现的问题,,并给出了切实可行的建议:①加强价值链交叉节点的监控;②建立房地产开发项目的综合后评估机制;③流程的梳理和再造;④缩短管理链条、优化价值链;⑤加强信息的交流和共享。希望通过文章基于价值链的房地产开发项目质量控制的研究,能为房地产开发项目的质量控制的研究提供新的理论方法。
[Abstract]:With the fierce competition in the market and the owners' awareness of safeguarding rights, the quality of real estate development projects has become the focus of attention of enterprises and owners. At the same time, the traditional quality control theory can not solve the problems such as the difficulty of coordination between the functional departments caused by the division of labor between the functional departments of enterprises, and the difficulty of timely feedback of information, which leads to the phenomenon of management vacuum or overlap. This paper applies the idea of value chain to the quality control of real estate development projects, and tries to analyze and solve the problems from the perspective of the value chain of real estate development projects, so as to enhance the ability of continuous improvement of quality control of real estate development projects. It has important theoretical and practical significance. Through the research of basic concept, value chain theory and quality control theory, this paper tries to construct the evaluation index system of real estate development project quality control based on value chain. The value chain theory is introduced into the field of quality control of real estate development projects. This paper firstly studies the value chain of real estate development projects, analyzes the basic activities and auxiliary activities in the value chain of real estate development projects, and introduces the general methods of quality control based on the value chain. Then through the literature research and the engineering practice summary, has constructed the real estate development project quality control appraisal index system based on the value chain, and has established the real estate development project quality fuzzy analytic hierarchy process mathematics model. At last, the paper makes an empirical study on the quality control of the real estate development project by using the value chain theory, analyzes the quality control of the basic activities in the real estate development project value chain, and decomposes the activity chain in the real estate development project value chain. The fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is used to quantitatively evaluate the quality problems in the implementation of real estate development projects, which proves the scientific nature and feasibility of the theoretical research in this paper. At the same time, the paper sums up the problems in the practice of quality control of real estate development projects, and gives some feasible suggestions: 1. Strengthening the monitoring and control of the value chain crossing node and establishing the comprehensive post evaluation mechanism of the real estate development projects; The management chain should be shortened and the value chain should be optimized so as to strengthen the exchange and sharing of information. It is hoped that the research on quality control of real estate development projects based on value chain can provide a new theoretical method for the study of quality control of real estate development projects.


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