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发布时间:2018-08-11 16:02
【摘要】:房地产是当前国内外都非常热门的话题,而工程项目管理在房地产开发流程中是非常重要的一环,在这个阶段,如何提高开发工程项目的管理水平,加快工程进度,保证工程质量与安全,降低工程造价,是非常有意义的研究课题。我国近现代建筑工程项目管理起步较晚,虽然近些年一直努力学习发达国家先进技术和丰富经验,但是我国建筑项目管理仍存在很多问题,像目前质量事故,工期拖延,费用超支等问题仍然不少,特别是近两年来出现的多起重大工程质量事故,,不仅给国家和人民的生命财产造成了巨大的损失,同时也造成了不良的社会影响。这些问题都是由于我国在项目管理过程中因为对于管理技术不熟练,经验不够丰富,执行不够完善等各方面问题而引起的。 对于目前我国项目存在的问题以及国际趋势,如何面对和解决这些问题,本文从地产开发商管理工程师的角度出发,阐述了当前房地产开发工程项目管理现状,提出应根据不同项目,用系统工程的思想建立项目管理量化的系统模型,用可持续发展的战略思想进行全寿命的项目管理,同时,根据科技发展的总趋势和当前项目管理存在的问题,也对项目决策者提出了新要求。 作为开发商,为了客观、全面地评价项目开发情况,总结经验、教训,实现持续改进,故本论文重点通过对滨河湾项目进行后评估来体现项目后评估研究的重要意义。
[Abstract]:Real estate is a very hot topic both at home and abroad, and project management is a very important part of the real estate development process. At this stage, how to improve the management level of the development project and speed up the progress of the project? It is a very meaningful research topic to guarantee the quality and safety of the project and to reduce the project cost. The construction project management of our country started relatively late in modern times. Although we have been studying advanced technology and rich experience in developed countries in recent years, there are still many problems in the management of construction projects in our country, such as the current quality accidents and the delay in the construction period. There are still many problems such as cost overrun and so on, especially in the past two years, many major engineering quality accidents have occurred, which not only caused huge losses to the life and property of the country and people, but also caused bad social impact at the same time. These problems are caused by the problems in the process of project management in our country, such as unskilled management technology, insufficient experience, inadequate execution and so on. In view of the problems existing in our country and the international trend, how to face and solve these problems, this paper expounds the current situation of project management in real estate development projects from the angle of management engineers of real estate developers. According to different projects, the quantitative system model of project management should be established with the idea of system engineering, and the project management should be carried out with the strategic thought of sustainable development, at the same time, According to the general trend of the development of science and technology and the problems existing in the current project management, new requirements for project decision makers are also put forward. As a developer, in order to evaluate the development of the project objectively and comprehensively, sum up the experience, lessons, and achieve continuous improvement, this paper focuses on the post-evaluation of the Binhe Bay project to reflect the significance of the project post-evaluation research.


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