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发布时间:2018-08-19 13:12
【摘要】:随着中国经济的不断发展壮大和国际交往的加深,涉外企业间的合同成为翻译领域最常见的业务类型。合同文本翻译量一般不大,其翻译质量也会影响到企业形象、对合同的理解和执行等方面。 本文研究的是中国建筑第八工程局有限公司和营口居逸房地产开发有限公司之间的建设工程施工合同汉英翻译,分析汉英合同翻译中可能出现的各类问题,并针对这些问题探讨相应的翻译策略和解决方案。本报告旨在为翻译工作者提供一些想法,通过对该文本和译文案例的分析,该实践报告重点探讨合同翻译中译者应重视的几个问题:如何通过译前准备确保翻译的质量;合同翻译中词汇的特点及应注意的问题;合同翻译的规律与技巧;如何根据文化差异进行合同文本翻译等。在实践报告中,首先通过对译文的目的和语言的分析确定翻译的目标。在翻译过程中,注重意义的引申,并使用增补、省译、转换等技巧确保译文的准确流畅。 实践报告表明,译者需要全面理解合同翻译,重视翻译的各个环节,平衡翻译的目的和功能、原文意义的再现、目标读者感受等方面。通过案例分析,本报告得出的结论包括:译前准备的重要性——译前准备不只适用于口译实践,在笔译实践中同样重要,通过译前准备,可以保证合同翻译的顺利进行并减少翻译所需时间,准备工作是否充分有着举足轻重的地位;合同翻译中的词汇注重的是专业性,合同语言带有法律性质,所用词汇需准确、正式、严谨;合同翻译中,往往选择使用结构复杂的长句,这需要译者有很好的双语转换技巧与功底,等等。
[Abstract]:With the development of Chinese economy and the deepening of international communication, the contract between foreign enterprises has become the most common type of business in translation field. The translation quantity of contract text is generally small, and its translation quality will also affect the image of the enterprise, the understanding and execution of the contract, and so on. This paper studies the Chinese-English translation of construction contracts between the eighth Construction Bureau of China and Yingkou Juyi Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., and analyzes the various problems that may arise in the translation of Chinese-English contracts. And the corresponding translation strategies and solutions to these problems are discussed. The purpose of this report is to provide translators with some ideas. Through the analysis of the text and the translation case, the practical report focuses on several problems that the translator should pay attention to in the translation of contract: how to ensure the quality of translation through pre-translation preparation; The characteristics of vocabulary in contract translation and the problems to be paid attention to; the rules and techniques of contract translation; how to translate contract text according to cultural differences etc. In the practice report, the target of translation is first determined by analyzing the purpose and language of the translation. In the process of translation, attention is paid to the extension of meaning, and the techniques of addition, saving and conversion are used to ensure the accuracy and fluency of the translation. The practical report shows that the translator needs to fully understand contractual translation, attach importance to all aspects of translation, balance the purpose and function of translation, reproduce the meaning of the original text, and the feelings of the target readers. Through the case study, the present report concludes that the importance of pre-translation preparation is not only applicable to interpretation practice, but also important in translation practice. It can ensure the smooth progress of contract translation and reduce the time required for translation, and whether the preparation work is sufficient or not plays an important role. The vocabulary in contract translation is professional, the contract language is legal, and the words used need to be accurate. Formal and rigorous; in contract translation, we often choose to use long sentences with complex structure, which requires the translator to have good bilingual conversion skills and skills, and so on.


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