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发布时间:2018-08-19 15:08
【摘要】:步入21世纪,知识经济发展迅猛,信息传播也更加便捷,社会面临着全球一体化的趋势。而基于人力资源的特殊属性——主观能动性,人力资源在企业中的重要性也日益凸显。作为企业获取核心竞争力的资源形式,人力资源无疑能够帮助企业在激烈竞争的市场中存活以及达成可持续发展的战略目标,也因此,人力资源管理成为了学术界和商业界较为热门的研究领域。绩效管理是其中较为重要的部分,在各大企业的管理实践中,是关乎公司整体层面上组织绩效的环节。在我国,学术界与商业界针对绩效管理的研究虽起步较晚,但发展至今已进入了较为全面的内容探讨环节,但相比西方的实际做法,我国也明显存有一定的距离。 YY公司隶属于房地产行业,是一家中型多领域的公司,自身发展受到人力资源方面的影响,故而,亟需对其绩效管理方案进行优化工作,其中尤其是在企业的营销部门开展。首先,本文对YY公司营销部门绩效管理现状进行剖析,从管理内容、人员配备、方法运用、制度保障四个方面展开,发现YY公司营销部门诸多方面的问题。其次,就YY公司营销部门绩效管理所存在的问题进行了阐述,包括绩效管理人员问题、绩效管理机制问题、绩效管理内容和方法问题;探讨问题产生的原因,则有绩效管理环境原因、绩效管理人员原因、绩效管理流程原因、绩效管理机制原因。最后,在分析公司营销部门绩效管理现状、问题及原因的基础之上,着重就其绩效管理方案进行了优化设计,重新定位了营销部门绩效管理的目标;拓宽了绩效管理的内容;构建了“6+1”的流程模型;开发了基于BSC的KPI绩效管理方法;形成了该部门独特的绩效管理制度体系。 本文研究存在两方面的意义,理论意义:本研究有意识探讨房地产行业营销部门的绩效管理问题,期待摸索出适合我国发展现状的房地产行业营销部门绩效管理方案,拓展学术界针对绩效管理研究的具体行业、具体岗位。实际意义:本研究可有针对性的指导处于房地产行业YY公司绩效管理的实际操作,并且期待为房地产整个行业企业提供必要的管理依据,具有重要的实际意义。
[Abstract]:Entering the 21st century, knowledge economy is developing rapidly, information dissemination is more convenient, and society is facing the trend of global integration. Based on the special attributes of human resources - subjective initiative, the importance of human resources in enterprises has become increasingly prominent. Enterprises survive in the fiercely competitive market and achieve the strategic goal of sustainable development. Therefore, human resource management has become a hot research field in academia and business circles. In China, although the academic and commercial research on performance management started relatively late, it has developed into a more comprehensive content discussion link, but compared with the actual practice in the West, China also has a certain distance.
YY Company belongs to the real estate industry, is a medium-sized multi-field company, its own development is affected by human resources, so it is urgent to optimize its performance management program, especially in the marketing department of the enterprise. The problems of YY company's marketing department are found from four aspects: staffing, method application and system guarantee. Secondly, the problems of performance management in YY company's marketing department are expounded, including the problems of performance managers, performance management mechanism, content and method of performance management. Finally, on the basis of analyzing the current situation, problems and reasons of the performance management of the marketing department, this paper focuses on the optimization design of the performance management scheme and relocates the goal of the performance management of the marketing department. It broadens the content of performance management, constructs the "6+1" process model, develops the KPI performance management method based on BSC, and forms the unique performance management system of this department.
This study has two meanings: theoretical significance: this study intends to explore the performance management of the real estate industry marketing department, looking forward to explore the development status of China's real estate industry marketing department performance management program, to expand the academic research for the performance management of specific industries, specific posts. It is of great practical significance to study the practical operation of performance management of YY Company in real estate industry and to provide necessary management basis for the whole real estate industry.


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