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发布时间:2018-08-20 14:23
【摘要】:房地产业是国民经济发展的先导性和基础性产业,而城市是产业集聚和发展的重要载体,因此,房地产业发展必然与城市经济的发展密不可分。改革开放三十年以来,我国的社会经济体制模式经历了由计划经济向市场经济的转轨过程。随着改革开放的逐步深化,我国的国民经济呈现出了较好的发展态势,城市化、工业化进程的不断加快,也使得房地产业得到了巨大的发展,特别是在1998年住房制度改革之后,房地产业的市场化程度进一步加深,房地产业更是呈现出了膨胀式的发展态势,与此同时,由于城市发展过程中的急速盲目扩张,城市经济和房地产经济发展中的诸多问题凸显。地方经济对房地产业依赖程度过高、房地产业与城市经济发展不够协调、房地产投资的结构性问题突出等都是我们急需解决的问题。 因此,本文从探讨投资与经济增长之间的关系出发,结合我国房地产市场的发展历程和现状以及城市经济发展状况,从投资总量和投资结构两个层面分别对房地产投资对城市经济增长的影响机制进行了理论分析,并以70个大中城市为研究对象,对房地产投资对城市经济增长的影响进行了实证分析,以回答本文所提出的几个相关问题,并得到对应的政策启示。 具体来说,本文在第一章中首先对我国城市经济发展状况及房地产市场状况及存在问题的进行了描述,介绍了论文的选题背景、研究意义、研究对象和研究目的,并对国内外对此相关问题的研究现状进行分类评述,归纳出本文的研究方法并提炼出本文的创新点。在第二章中对文中所涉及到的主要概念进行界定,并对本文分析过程中将要所运用的主要理论进行了介绍评述。在第三章中,按照前文已经确定的研究思路,从房地产投资对城市经济增长的影响机制、房地产投资结构与城市经济的关系和房地产投资的外生力量三个方面对房地产投资对城市经济的影响进行理论分析。在第四章中,本文首先对研究对象进行分类,在分析房地产投资总量对经济增长影响的基础上,结合分析房地产投资结构的需要,对不同类型的投资对城市经济增长的影响进行实证分析。第五章中,通过对比分析来说明房地产投资所存在的结构性问题,得到了有关房地产投资总量和房地产投资结构对城市经济增长影响的相关结论,对本文第一章所提出的问题进行回答,并提出与之对应的政策启示。
[Abstract]:Real estate industry is the leading and basic industry in the development of national economy, and the city is the important carrier of industrial agglomeration and development. Therefore, the development of real estate industry must be inseparable from the development of urban economy. Since the reform and opening up 30 years ago, China's social and economic system has experienced a transition from planned economy to market economy. With the gradual deepening of reform and opening up, the national economy of our country has shown a better development trend. The urbanization and the accelerating process of industrialization have also made the real estate industry get a huge development, especially after the housing system reform in 1998. The degree of marketization of the real estate industry is further deepened, and the real estate industry is showing a trend of expansion. At the same time, due to the rapid and blind expansion in the process of urban development, Many problems in the development of urban economy and real estate economy are highlighted. The local economy is too dependent on the real estate industry, the development of real estate industry and urban economy is not in harmony, and the structural problems of real estate investment are all problems that we need to solve urgently. Therefore, this paper discusses the relationship between investment and economic growth, combined with the development of China's real estate market and the current situation of urban economic development. This paper theoretically analyzes the influence mechanism of real estate investment on urban economic growth from two aspects of total investment and investment structure, and takes 70 large and medium-sized cities as the research object. This paper makes an empirical analysis on the impact of real estate investment on urban economic growth in order to answer some related questions raised in this paper and get corresponding policy enlightenment. Specifically, in the first chapter, this paper first describes the situation of urban economic development and real estate market in China, and introduces the background, significance, research object and purpose of the thesis. The research status of this related problem is classified and reviewed at home and abroad, and the research methods of this paper are summarized and the innovation points of this paper are abstracted. In the second chapter, the main concepts involved in this paper are defined, and the main theories to be used in the analysis are introduced and reviewed. In the third chapter, according to the research ideas that have been identified above, from the real estate investment to the urban economic growth of the impact mechanism, The relationship between real estate investment structure and urban economy and the exogenous force of real estate investment are analyzed theoretically. In the fourth chapter, this paper first classifies the research object, on the basis of analyzing the influence of the total amount of real estate investment on the economic growth, combined with the analysis of the needs of real estate investment structure. The effect of different types of investment on urban economic growth is analyzed empirically. In the fifth chapter, through comparative analysis to explain the structural problems of real estate investment, we get the relevant conclusions about the total amount of real estate investment and the impact of real estate investment structure on urban economic growth. In the first chapter, the author answers the questions and puts forward the corresponding policy implications.


相关期刊论文 前1条

1 李思琪;;房地产投资与中国经济增长探讨[J];新西部(理论版);2015年18期

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