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发布时间:2018-08-20 19:37
[Abstract]:At present, the economic recovery in developed countries continues to consolidate, the growth of emerging economies is under downward pressure, and the global economy as a whole has improved further. China's domestic demand potential is still great, economic efficiency and quality has made progress, and reform will inject new impetus into economic development. At the same time, the problems of overcapacity, potential risks of finance and finance, real estate market differentiation and other contradictions and problems continue to accumulate, the downward pressure of the economy increases, and the economy of our country will show a steady and moderating trend. Initially, China's economy will grow by about 7.3 percent in the first half of the year, and consumer prices will rise by about 2.4 percent. It is suggested that we should speed up the implementation of the positive fiscal policy, apply the prudent monetary policy in a moderate and flexible manner, take urbanization as the starting point to expand the potential of domestic demand, speed up the reform of state-owned enterprises, factor markets, finance, taxation and finance, and manage the expectations of reasonable growth. Promoting sustained and healthy economic development in China.
【作者单位】: 国家信息中心经济预测部;


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