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发布时间:2018-08-22 21:12
【摘要】:本文对赣州市中心城区棚户区征收补偿评估进行了研究,借鉴标准宗地和标定地价的概念,引入了标定房地产和标定房价的概念,并试图对其进行了雏浅的定义。首先对赣州市中心城区进行了土地等级评定,利用此等级成果和棚户区的分布情况得出了棚户区的土地等级;然后在一级区域中选定了一宗标定房地产,并利用市场比较法计算出了其市场价格为5039.77元/m~2,即标定房价,在此过程中,建立了层次分析的模型,为市场比较法中影响房屋价格的各因素确定了权重,并建立FUZZY综合评判模型确定了各个因子的修正值;接着建立了一套修正体系,利用标定房价修正法得到了被征收房屋的价格;最后通过一个实例的计算得到评估单价为4942.17元/m~2,总价为750913.45元,与实际总价相差0.0652%,验证了此系统的可行性。 标定房地产和标定房价的引入,使棚户区的征收补偿评估有了统一的标准,被征收人对自己被征收房屋的价值有了一个可以对比的参考标准,使棚户区征收补偿评估的过程变得客观、可视、公平,达到了征收人和被征收人双方较为满意的效果,解决了由于棚户区征收产生的种种问题和矛盾,为社会的和谐稳定做出贡献。同时,用标定房价修正法得到被征收房屋的价格,能同时对大批量房屋进行评估,针对赣州市棚户区范围广、改造量大、任务重、时间紧的特点,其高效性和准确性为社会节约了大量的人力、物力、财力以及时间,具有实践意义。 对棚户区土地等级的评定考虑到了不同地段的价格差,即土地的级差收益,而目前的棚户区房屋征收补偿方式是政府定的一个标准,一般是一城一价,未考虑地段差。对棚户区的土地定级使棚户区征收补偿价格更加合理、公平,解决了因房屋所处地段不同产生的补偿问题。
[Abstract]:This paper makes a study on the evaluation of compensation for the collection and compensation of shantytowns in the central urban area of Ganzhou City. The concepts of calibrating real estate and calibrating house prices are introduced with reference to the concepts of standard parcels and demarcated land prices, and a shallow definition of them is attempted. First of all, the land grade of Ganzhou city is evaluated, and the land grade of shantytown is obtained by using the result of this grade and the distribution of shantytown, and then a real estate is selected in the first class area. Using the market comparison method, the market price is calculated to be 5039.77 yuan / mm2, that is, calibrated house price. In the process, a hierarchical analysis model is established to determine the weight of the factors that affect the housing price in the market comparison method. The FUZZY comprehensive evaluation model was established to determine the correction value of each factor, and then a set of correction system was established, and the price of the expropriated house was obtained by using the calibration housing price correction method. Finally, the estimated unit price is 4942.17 yuan / mm2 and the total price is 750913.45 yuan, which is 0.0652% different from the actual total price, which proves the feasibility of the system. The introduction of demarcating real estate and calibrating house prices has made the assessment of expropriation compensation for shantytowns have a unified standard, and the expropriated people have a comparable reference standard for the value of the houses they have been expropriated. It makes the process of compensation assessment of levy of shantytown become objective, visible and fair, and achieves the satisfactory effect of both the expropriator and the expropriated person, and resolves all kinds of problems and contradictions arising from the collection of shantytowns. To contribute to social harmony and stability. At the same time, the method of calibrating house price correction can be used to get the price of the house to be collected, and at the same time to evaluate a large number of houses. In view of the characteristics of Ganzhou City, such as wide range of shantytowns, large amount of renovation, heavy task and tight time, Its high efficiency and accuracy save a lot of manpower, material resources, financial resources and time for the society. The appraisal of land grade of shantytown has considered the price difference of different lot, namely the income of grade difference of land, but the house collection compensation method of current shantytown is a standard that the government sets, it is a city one price generally, did not consider lot difference. The classification of land in shantytown makes the compensation price of shantytown more reasonable and fair.


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