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发布时间:2018-08-30 11:28
【摘要】:商品房预售制度是在我国房地产市场的高速发展的背景下应运而生的。商品房预售不仅有利于开发商回笼资金,而且有利于购房人减轻付款压力。然而,商品房预售制度中开发商对房屋信息、实际情况等享有绝对优势地位,往往失信、恶意违约,侵犯处于弱势地位的预购人权利。而我国法律法规对预购人权利的保护体制尚不健全,笔者就是在这样的前提下对预购人的权利保护作出深入系统的分析,并在完善开发商信息披露义务上指出要在披露的内容、方式、惩罚、监管上加强完善,在健全商品房预告登记方面建议增强其效力,在惩罚性赔偿上提出在惩罚范围扩大、力度增强、建立专门惩罚机构的建议,在预收款的监管上要从各方面加强管制,并且笔者提出要在借鉴外国立法经验、完善我国立法等方面的一些看法。 全文共分三个部分。首先简要对商品房预售制度进行简要介绍。并重点分析了预购人的四大基本权利;其次详细分析预购人权利遭侵犯的现状,并加以分析,指出了根本原因是现行法中的商品房预人权保护的缺陷和预售信用制度的缺失。最后针对第二部分问题的提出与分析,为解决矛盾,提出完善预购人权利保护的法律上的建议。从保护预购人知情权、请求权、损害赔偿请求权、与开发商进行交易的环境这四个不同的角度提出了相关法律建议。
[Abstract]:In the background of the rapid development of China's real estate market, the advance sale system of commercial housing emerged as the times require. Commercial housing pre-sale is not only conducive to developers to withdraw funds, but also to reduce the pressure on buyers to pay. However, in the pre-sale system of commercial housing, the developers have absolute advantage over housing information and actual situation, often break their promises, maliciously breach the contract, and violate the rights of pre-purchasers who are in a weak position. However, the system of protecting the rights of pre-purchasers is not perfect in our country's laws and regulations. Under this premise, the author makes a deep and systematic analysis of the protection of the rights of pre-purchasers, and points out the contents to be disclosed in order to perfect the disclosure obligations of developers. Ways, penalties, supervision and improvement, in improving the commercial housing notice registration recommendations to enhance its effectiveness, in punitive damages in the scope of punishment to expand and strengthen, the establishment of a special punishment of the recommendations, In the supervision of advance collection, we should strengthen the control from various aspects, and the author puts forward some views on drawing lessons from foreign countries' legislative experience and perfecting our country's legislation. The paper is divided into three parts. First of all, a brief introduction to the advance sale system of commercial housing. The paper mainly analyzes the four basic rights of the pre-purchasers, and then analyzes in detail the current situation of the infringement of the rights of the pre-purchasers, and points out that the fundamental reason is the defects of the protection of the human rights of commercial housing in the current law and the lack of the pre-sale credit system. Finally, the author puts forward and analyzes the second part of the problem, in order to solve the contradiction, puts forward the legal suggestions to improve the protection of the rights of the pre-purchasers. This paper puts forward some relevant legal suggestions from four different angles: the protection of the right to know, the right to claim, the right to claim for damages, and the environment for transaction with the developer.


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