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发布时间:2018-08-31 10:19
【摘要】:2003-2013这过去的10年是房地产行业发展黄金十年,随着行业规模的不断扩大,房地产成为我国最重要的支柱产业之一。虽然房地产行业经历了飞速的发展,但需要看到,房地产业系统性风险正逐步加剧。随着房地产调控的深入,行业环境对企业发展提出了新的挑战,使得房地产行业的企业不得不进行反思,什么样的发展路径适合企业的发展。因此,必须通过对外部环境和内部条件的全面估量和分析,从企业发展的全局出发而做出的较长时期的总体性的战略规划势在必行。发展战略是企业发展道路上的指路明灯,清晰的发展战略将对未来公司的各项工作提供积极的促进和导向作用,最终目标还是为实现企业的经济效益,因此,对于房地产企业而言,制定一个适应环境变化的科学的发展战略规划是具有现实意义的。 本文的研究以C房产公司的发展战略为研究重点,C房产公司成立于2003年,自成立以来,依托交通集团的资源优势,以交通地产概念切入房地产行业。经过近十年的投资经营,C房产公司为集团公司的资产调整、资源整合、产业拓展与保值增值发挥了积极作用,具备了一定的竞争力和发展潜力。本文的研究将综合运用SWOT分析法等战略理论分析工具进行分析和研究,通过对C房产公司内外部环境的分析,及时了解企业未来发展所面临的机遇和挑战,采用实证研究和理论研究相结合的研究思路,全面分析和探讨企业相关战略和规划,结合所面临的政策、经济等环境,提出有利于企业健康持续发展的核心战略。 通过本文的研究,我们认为C房产公司的发展战略要依托在浙江省的影响力、品牌资源、项目实力,以住宅开发为主业,多元发展商业地产、酒店、物业等相关产业,用5-10年时间打造具有现代企业管理制度,综合性、专业化,跨区域开发,拥有多家专业公司,在全省具有较强实力和较高影响力的房地产企业。
[Abstract]:The past decade from 2003 to 2013 was a golden decade for the development of the real estate industry. With the expansion of the industry, real estate has become one of the most important pillar industries in China. Although the real estate industry has experienced rapid development, but need to see, real estate systemic risk is gradually aggravated. With the deepening of real estate regulation and control, the industry environment has put forward a new challenge to the development of enterprises, which makes the real estate industry enterprises have to reflect on what kind of development path is suitable for the development of enterprises. Therefore, it is imperative to make overall strategic planning for a long time from the overall situation of enterprise development through the comprehensive evaluation and analysis of the external environment and internal conditions. The development strategy is the guiding light on the enterprise's development path, the clear development strategy will provide the positive promotion and the guidance function to the future company's each work, the ultimate goal is to realize the enterprise's economic benefit, therefore, the clear development strategy will provide the positive promotion and the guidance function to the future company's each work, therefore, For real estate enterprises, it is of practical significance to formulate a scientific development strategy to adapt to the change of environment. This paper focuses on the development strategy of C real estate company. Since its establishment in 2003, it has cut into the real estate industry with the concept of transportation real estate and relying on the resource advantage of transportation group. After nearly ten years of investment and management, the real estate company has played a positive role in asset adjustment, resource integration, industrial development and maintenance and appreciation of the group, and has a certain competitiveness and development potential. The research in this paper will comprehensively use SWOT analysis and other strategic theoretical analysis tools to analyze and research, through the analysis of the internal and external environment of C real estate company, timely understand the opportunities and challenges faced by the future development of enterprises. With the combination of empirical research and theoretical research, this paper comprehensively analyzes and discusses the relevant strategies and plans of the enterprises, and puts forward the core strategies conducive to the healthy and sustainable development of enterprises, in combination with the policies and economic environment faced by them. Through the research of this paper, we think that the development strategy of C real estate company should rely on the influence, brand resources, project strength of Zhejiang Province, take residential development as the main industry, and develop commercial real estate, hotel, property and other related industries. Using 5-10 years to build a modern enterprise management system, comprehensive, professional, cross-regional development, has a number of professional companies, in the province has a strong strength and high impact of real estate enterprises.


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