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发布时间:2018-08-31 13:48
【摘要】:1981年3月10日,深圳市第一家涉外商品房管理专业公司——深圳物业管理公司正式成立,从此这一新兴行业在国内逐步兴起。改革开放30年,中国物业管理行业也快速发展起来,,从无到有,从小到大,宛居物业公司就是在这种背景之下发展起来并运行了20年。宛居物业公司作为雅氏集团的副业,20年来的物业管理工作围绕着地产系统运转,在以销售为前提的营运模式下,物业系统虽然形成高品质口碑,并带动销售取得优异业绩,但是整个机制仍无法独立,随着行业竞争的激烈,逐渐凸显了基层员工主动流失率高、中层管理人员积极性不高,运作不灵活,2012年利润由预期的2500万大幅下挫至500万,共下跌75%。因此,本学位论文的选题围绕业绩下降展开诊断研究,目标在于诊断出业绩下降的主要原因,并针对性地提出改善对策。 论文采取了文献研究和访谈研究诊断方法,对集团公司最早开发的华南区域总监、中层项目经理等40人进行了访谈。访谈内容包括影响业绩下降的外部因素:经济环境及政策对物业行业的影响,与同行业竞争的风险;以及内部因素:宛居物业公司组织管理架构的情况、营运情况及缺陷、人力资源管理的欠缺。通过公司的文档资料分析和访谈结果汇总、分析,得出了原因分析结论,包括:国内外形势对房地产行业的影响因素、2009年—2012年宛居物业公司经营变化影响因素、公司管理措施滞后影响因素、集团组织管理结构对宛居物业公司组织结构影响进而对业绩产生影响、集团用工政策的负面影响等。 根据诊断出的业绩下降原因,本文提出了宛居物业公司业绩提升的对策。具体对策包括:宛居物业公司不仅要提升品牌影响力、构建适合物业管理公司经营的组织结构,还要通过企业文化运用、有效用工机制、激励措施、薪酬机制等人力资源管理方法,深入连贯到组织承诺、员工满意度、降低离职率,进而在经营方式的创新上阐述,为宛居物业公司在未来的管理上扭亏为盈、持续发展、保持企业核心竞争力。
[Abstract]:On March 10, 1981, Shenzhen Real Estate Management Company, the first foreign commercial house management professional company, was established. After 30 years of reform and opening up, China's property management industry has also developed rapidly, from scratch to existence, from small to large, Wanju property company is under this background to develop and run for 20 years. Wanju property Company, as the subsidiary of Yard Group, has been working around the real estate system for 20 years. Under the operating mode based on the premise of sales, the property system forms a high quality reputation and leads sales to achieve excellent results. But the whole mechanism is still not independent. With the fierce competition in the industry, it has gradually highlighted the high rate of active turnover of grass-roots employees, the low enthusiasm and inflexibility of middle management personnel, and the sharp drop in 2012 profits from 25 million to 5 million, a total decline of 75. 5%. Therefore, the topic of this dissertation focuses on the decline of performance, the goal of which is to diagnose the main reasons of the decline of performance, and to put forward the countermeasures to improve it. The paper adopts the methods of literature research and interview research and diagnostics, and interviews 40 people, such as the regional director of South China and the middle project manager, who were first developed by the group company. The interviews included external factors affecting performance decline: the impact of the economic environment and policies on the property industry, the risks of competition with the same industry, and internal factors: the organizational management structure of Wanju property companies, their operations and shortcomings, Lack of human resources management. Through the analysis of the company's documents and the summary of the interview results, the paper draws the conclusion of the cause analysis, including: the influence factors of the domestic and foreign situation on the real estate industry, the influence factors of the management changes of Wanju property company from 2009 to 2012, The factors affecting the lag of company management measures, the influence of group organizational management structure on the organizational structure of Wanju property company and the negative impact of group employment policy on the performance of Wanju property company are also discussed. According to the causes of the decline in performance, this paper puts forward the countermeasures of improving the performance of Wanju property company. Specific countermeasures include: Wanju property companies not only to enhance brand influence, to build a suitable property management company management organizational structure, but also through the use of corporate culture, effective employment mechanism, incentives, Human resource management methods, such as compensation mechanism, go deep into organizational commitment, employee satisfaction, reduce turnover rate, and then expound on the innovation of management methods, so that Wanchu property companies can turn losses into profits in the future management and continue to develop. Maintain the core competitiveness of enterprises.


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