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发布时间:2018-09-01 07:09
【摘要】:随着房地产行业市场化进程开放,我国城市居民的住房条件得到了巨大的改善。但是,近年来高涨的房价既影响了经济的可持续,也造成了普通民众的居住权难以保证。政府逐渐意识到了住房保障的重要性,加大了保障房建设的力度,但是保障房建设中的制度建设、资金筹措等问题也随之而来,如何更好改进保障房建设政策,拓展融资难题成为当前的重点。同时传统的开发建设管理方法也影响了保障房建设政策的良性发展。因此,如何加快建设企业的管理水平,成为当前政府、企业共同关注的焦点。 本文通过对国内外保障房政策、建设的发展对比,并结合保障房建设管理中问题的研究,对目前北京市场的保障房建设模式,融资方式进行了论述,同时将政府、企业关于保障房的管理方式创新成果呈现出来。具体落实到研究对象方面,通过对万方集团整体的组织管理架构及保障房项目管理设置,对万方集团保障房项目管理现状进行了深入的分析;其次通过引进现代集成化项目管理体系、精细化管理方法、项目管理办公室等手段,全面改造了万方集团保障房建设项目管理中在资金来源、成本控制、质量保证等三方面存在的问题,找出其成因,重新构建了保障房管理体系,包括指标的选择和流程的重构,并制定相应地评价体系;最后将重构后的管理体系应用到万方集团保障房管理实践中,同时对其实施效果进行了评价,找出该体系实施的局限性,相应地提出专门的信息研究和建设信息收集、针对保障房建设融资进行专项研究、建立集团内部的统一设计、采购、管理平台等三项保障措施。 由于我国的保障房建设与国外相比起步较晚,相关的管理经验较少,因此本文的研究成果对于丰富保障房建设管理手段方法,,提高企业保障房建设项目管理效率,增加企业利润有一定的借鉴意义。
[Abstract]:With the opening of the real estate market, the housing conditions of urban residents in China have been greatly improved. However, the rising housing prices in recent years not only affect the sustainability of the economy, but also make it difficult for ordinary people to guarantee the right of residence. The government gradually realized the importance of housing security and increased the strength of indemnificatory apartment's construction. However, the problems of system construction and financing in the building of indemnificatory apartment followed, so how to improve the building policy of indemnificatory apartment better? Expansion of the financing problem has become the focus of the current. At the same time, the traditional development and construction management methods also affect the benign development of indemnificatory apartment construction policy. Therefore, how to speed up the management of construction enterprises has become the focus of the government and enterprises. By comparing the development of indemnificatory apartment's policies and construction at home and abroad, and combining with the research on the problems in the construction management of indemnificatory apartment, this paper discusses the current building mode and financing mode of the Beijing market, and at the same time, the government, The enterprise about indemnificatory apartment's management way innovation achievement presents. Concretely implements to the research object, through to the Wanfang group overall organization management structure and indemnificatory apartment project management establishment, has carried on the thorough analysis to the Wanfang group indemnificatory apartment project management present situation; Secondly, by introducing modern integrated project management system, fine management methods, project management office and other means, it has comprehensively reformed the capital source and cost control in the construction project management of indemnificatory apartment of Wanfang Group. The problems in three aspects, such as quality assurance, are found out, and indemnificatory apartment's management system is re-constructed, including the selection of indicators and the reconstruction of process, and the corresponding evaluation system is established. Finally, the reconstructed management system is applied to the management practice of indemnificatory apartment of Wanfang Group. At the same time, the implementation effect is evaluated, and the limitations of the implementation of this system are found out, and the special information research and construction information collection are put forward accordingly. This paper focuses on indemnificatory apartment's construction financing and sets up three safeguard measures: unified design, purchasing and management platform. Because the construction of indemnificatory apartment in our country started relatively late and the relevant management experience is less than abroad, the research results of this paper can enrich the methods of building management of indemnificatory apartment and improve the efficiency of the construction project management of indemnificatory apartment. Increase enterprise profit has certain reference meaning.


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