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发布时间:2018-09-04 14:47
【摘要】:在近几十年里,我国的国民经济得到了高速的发展,由此推动的城市化进程和新农村建设等国家的重点工程的脚步也在加快,这些从目前房地产事业的井喷式发展可见一斑。在国家大兴土木的当口,建筑工程项目的相关问题和理论研究显得尤为重要。建设工程一般都具有耗资巨大,周期冗长,参与方较多,牵扯利益复杂等特点,由于工程进展中总会有不确定因素的存在,再加之以上这些方面的纷繁交织更会加大潜在风险的发生几率。为保证建设工程项目能够安全、顺利地按照既定规划完工并具有良好的工程质量,以追求效益的最大化,就需要工程参与各方能够对项目潜在风险的来源、性质、危害以及可能造成影响的严重程度有一个详尽清晰的把握,并以此为基础制定合理、有效的应对措施来规避风险。 我国在项目风险管理方面的研究还处在起步阶段,在理论和实际工程应用方面都还有很长的路要走。本文即以成都金融城建设工程项目作为研究示例,在学习了解项目风险管理相关理论的基础上,综合采用了定性、定量、规范、实证等分析方法,并以工程实例为依托较为详细地说明了风险的识别、评价、防范等方面的情况,总结出了项目风险管理所采用的方法步骤,,提出了具体的应对和监控措施,最后运用层次分析法对项目的风险进行了评价,验证了本文研究的合理性和实用性。本文所述内容可为该领域相关方面的理论研究和实际工程应用提供参考。
[Abstract]:In recent decades, China's national economy has been developing at a high speed, thus promoting the process of urbanization and new rural construction and other national key projects are also accelerating the pace of these from the current blowout of real estate development can be seen. Construction projects generally have the characteristics of huge cost, long cycle, more participants and complicated interests involved. Because of uncertainties in the progress of the project, and the complexity of these aspects will increase the probability of potential risks. In order to ensure the safety and smoothness of construction projects. In order to pursue the maximum benefit, it is necessary for the project participants to have a clear and detailed grasp of the source, nature, hazards and the severity of possible impacts of the potential risks of the project, and to formulate reasonable and effective measures to avoid the storm on the basis of the planned completion and good quality of the project. Risk.
The research on project risk management in China is still in its infancy, and there is still a long way to go in both theoretical and practical engineering application. This paper takes the construction project of Chengdu City as an example. On the basis of learning and understanding the relevant theory of project risk management, qualitative, quantitative, normative, empirical and other aspects are adopted. The method is analyzed, and the risk identification, evaluation, prevention and other aspects of the project are explained in detail based on engineering examples. The method and steps adopted in project risk management are summarized, and the concrete countermeasures and monitoring measures are put forward. Finally, the risk of the project is evaluated by AHP, which verifies the rationality of the study in this paper. The contents described in this paper can provide reference for theoretical research and practical engineering applications in this field.


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