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发布时间:2018-09-18 12:03
【摘要】:为早日实现“住有所居”的目标,促进房地产市场的健康发展,我国政府正加大力度促进保障性住房的建设,其建设规模量大面广;“十二五”规划更是将保障性住房建设提升到前所未有的高度,但目前仍存在进程缓慢、质量差、管理不到位等问题,传统建造方式难以实现其建设目标。而住宅产业化作为我国住宅市场的发展趋势,是以产业现代化的方式来推动住宅产业结构升级,提高住宅建设综合价值,实现其可持续发展,保障性住房的大规模建设正是住宅产业化蓬勃发展的重要契机。 大规模的保障性住房是住宅产业化发展的载体,住宅产业化为保障性住房建设提供了技术支持,实现了保障性住房的快速批量供应;而CSI体系作为一种新的住宅产业化的建筑体系,将住宅的支撑体与填充体分离,进行部品的标准化生产,更有利于保障性住房的产业化实现。因此,本文提出了CSI体系保障性住房的产业化建设理念,对CSI体系的内涵、CSI体系保障性住房的系统化设计、部品化研究和科学化管理进行专项研究,以便为我国住宅产业化的推进和保障性住房的建设提供针对性的、可靠的重要建议。 论文首先分析了保障性住房、住宅产业化和CSI体系三者之间的关系,提出CSI体系保障性住房的建设是我国住宅产业化的发展契机;然后研究了CSI住宅体系的基本理论,对其内涵和特点加以界定,并列举了我国CSI体系的实践项目。其次,论文从CSI体系保障性住房的设计体系入手,分别研究支撑体、填充体、支撑体和填充体的分离设计和体系建设的主要集成技术,为其产业化建设提供设计依据。再次,论文对CSI体系保障性住房的部品化进行研究,深入剖析了部品体系、部品性能及部品接口设计原则,为保障性住房的产业化部品发展提供了宝贵的借鉴意义。最后,探讨了CSI体系保障性住房的建筑管理体系,并提出在现阶段产业化水平不高的情况下,成立集成敏捷型住宅企业作为CSI体系保障性住房的组织支撑系统;并对企业的产业化建设管理的运作过程进行了分析,把BIM网络系统平台作为企业管理的枢纽。
[Abstract]:In order to realize the goal of "living and living" as soon as possible and to promote the healthy development of the real estate market, our government is increasing efforts to promote the construction of affordable housing. The 12th Five-Year Plan promotes the construction of affordable housing to an unprecedented height, but there are still some problems, such as slow progress, poor quality and poor management, etc., and the traditional construction method is difficult to achieve its construction goal. As the development trend of our country's housing market, housing industrialization is to promote the upgrading of housing industrial structure by means of industrial modernization, to improve the comprehensive value of housing construction and to realize its sustainable development. The large-scale construction of indemnificatory housing is an important opportunity for the vigorous development of housing industrialization. Large-scale affordable housing is the carrier of the development of housing industrialization. Housing industrialization provides technical support for the construction of affordable housing and realizes the rapid batch supply of affordable housing. The CSI system, as a new building system of housing industrialization, separates the supporting body of housing from the filling body, and carries on the standardized production of the parts, which is more conducive to the realization of the industrialization of the indemnificatory housing. Therefore, this paper puts forward the idea of the industrialization construction of the indemnificatory housing of the CSI system, and makes a special study on the connotation of the CSI system, the systematic design of the indemnificatory housing of the CSI system, the research of the department and the scientific management. In order to promote the industrialization of housing and the construction of affordable housing to provide targeted, reliable important recommendations. This paper first analyzes the relationship among affordable housing, housing industrialization and CSI system, and points out that the construction of affordable housing in CSI system is the opportunity for the development of housing industrialization in China, and then studies the basic theory of CSI housing system. This paper defines its connotation and characteristics, and enumerates the practical items of CSI system in China. Secondly, starting with the design system of CSI system, the paper studies the separation design and system construction of supporting body, filling body, supporting body and filling body, and provides the design basis for its industrialization construction. Thirdly, the thesis studies the part of the CSI system of indemnificatory housing, deeply analyzes the part system, the performance of the part and the design principle of the interface of the part, which provides valuable reference for the development of the industrialization part of the indemnificatory housing. Finally, the paper discusses the building management system of the CSI system, and puts forward the establishment of the integrated agile housing enterprise as the organization support system of the CSI system supportable housing under the condition that the industrialization level is not high at the present stage. The operation process of enterprise industrialization construction management is analyzed, and the BIM network system platform is regarded as the hub of enterprise management.


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