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发布时间:2018-09-18 20:55
[Abstract]:After more than ten years of development, the project construction audit system of each project construction company and real estate company has its own unique personality. In the actual operation of the company, these audit systems can create a lot of social and economic benefits for the company. However, because the economic environment and audit system are changing all the time, the defects of the audit system of engineering construction companies and real estate enterprises are exposed. As one of the means of project management, it is of great significance to strengthen the management and supervision of the real estate construction project, to combat corruption and build a clean government, to improve the efficiency of the project and to control the project cost. This paper analyzes the implementation of the project tracking audit of the company, expounds and introduces the foreign engineering project tracking audit and management theory, adopts the case analysis, the theory summary method, and combines the actual situation of the company project audit. Established a set of perfect project tracking audit system. The important links in the process of capital construction project tracking and auditing are also discussed. According to the risk assessment level, this paper uses the tracking audit mode to determine the four key links of the design, bidding, implementation and acceptance of the completed project, and then to deal with the internal audit content of the engineering project based on the tracking audit. The audit process and procedures were redesigned. In order to do a good job of tracking audit, the company should provide the corresponding safeguard measures from the aspects of internal audit team construction, audit performance evaluation standard establishment and so on. This paper hopes to find out the main problems in the process of project tracking audit through comprehensive analysis of the company project tracking audit, and improve the scientific and systematic level of project audit management through the combination of theory and practice. Effectively reduce audit risk, improve audit effectiveness and scientific.


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