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发布时间:2018-10-05 08:24
【摘要】:随着我国工业现代化的稳步推进,能源消费随之水涨船高。尤其是自2005年以来,国内煤炭价格的迅速攀升,为鄂尔多斯仰赖其自然资源优势而实现跨越式发展创造了空前的机遇。在经济发展浪潮此起彼伏的态势之下,民间财富不断累积,一大批中小企业也迅速崛起。然而必须承认的是,鄂尔多斯经济发展起步较晚,由此伴随着产业结构单一、金融服务落后等种种问题,于是就不可避免产生了民间资本投资渠道过窄、中小企业难以获得正规金融信贷支持的局面。鉴于资本逐利的自然属性,鄂尔多斯民间借贷趋于白热化的火热局面,当地也进入了“全民放贷不炒股”的时代。而或直接或间接的投向煤炭和房地产产业的大规模的民间资本,更是推动了这些资金链上产业的持续扩张。于是,过度膨胀的房地产业转眼便泡沫化,成为了民间借贷资金链断裂的最直接推手。2011年秋,“苏叶女案”、“王福金案”等重大民间借贷案件爆发,鄂尔多斯民间借贷危机终于浮出水面,接下来一系列的连锁反应也由此引发。 作为正规金融支持实体经济的有益补充,民间借贷的存在和发展不乏其合理性。然而,我国历来对于民间借贷疏于监管,导致其一直处于自然发展状态,不合理因素居多,尤其是随高利借贷伴生的信贷风险颇高。对于民间金融市场,如果任之自由发展,其不利因素必将威胁国家社会、经济和金融稳定。 本文把民间借贷的金融理论研究与鄂尔多斯的自然区域特点结合起来,阐述并分析了鄂尔多斯民间借贷的形成、发展以及危机,并且通过研究对鄂尔多斯民间借贷危机发生的原因做了系统的总结,最终提出了鄂尔多斯民间借贷发展的规范建议。
[Abstract]:With the steady progress of industrial modernization in China, energy consumption has increased. Especially since 2005, the rapid rise of domestic coal prices has created an unprecedented opportunity for Ordos to rely on its advantages of natural resources to achieve leapfrog development. In the tide of economic development one after another, the accumulation of private wealth, a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises also rose rapidly. However, it must be acknowledged that the economic development of Ordos started relatively late, thus accompanied by a single industrial structure, backward financial services and other problems, so it is inevitable that private capital investment channels are too narrow. Small and medium-sized enterprises are difficult to obtain formal financial credit support. In view of the natural nature of capital seeking interest, private lending in Ordos tends to heat up, and the local government has entered the era of "all people lending and not speculating in stocks". The large-scale private capital invested directly or indirectly in coal and real estate industry promotes the continuous expansion of these industries in the capital chain. As a result, the overinflated real estate industry immediately became a bubble, becoming the most direct driver of the breakage of the private lending fund chain. In the autumn of 2011, the "Su Ye female case" and the "Wang Fujin case" and other major private lending cases broke out. Ordos private lending crisis finally surfaced, followed by a series of chain effects also triggered. As a beneficial supplement of the formal financial support to the real economy, the existence and development of private lending is not without its rationality. However, due to the lack of supervision over private lending in China, it has always been in a state of natural development, with most unreasonable factors, especially the credit risk associated with high-interest lending is quite high. If the private financial market develops freely, its unfavorable factors will threaten the social, economic and financial stability of the country. This paper combines the financial theory of folk lending with the natural regional characteristics of Ordos, and expounds and analyzes the formation, development and crisis of folk lending in Ordos. And through the study of the causes of non-government lending crisis in Ordos made a systematic summary, and finally put forward the development of folk lending in Ordos recommendations.


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