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发布时间:2018-10-05 16:05
【摘要】:TOLD模式是旅游与地产强强联合的新兴开发模式,TOLD住区作为旅游地产开发的细分类型,是旅游地产从“小、精、奇”向“高、大、全”发展的必然产物。它融合多种功能,既满足了城市居民日益强烈的休闲度假需求,又兑现了其对宜居生态环境的向往,实现了人们“居游共享”的生活梦想。 福州贵安山明水秀,人文底蕴浓厚,自古即是福州著名的温泉疗养地,为TOLD住区的开发运营提供了良好的资源平台。随着近年来福州房地产市场竞争愈发激烈,以及全国范围内房地产市场受到严格管控,房地产与旅游结合的产品创新成为必然趋势之一,由此也助推旅游地产开发由最初的起飞试探阶段逐步走向成熟的规模化开发经营。因而规模化的TOLD住区成为旅游房地产开发的热点。 在此背景下,本文以TOLD住区为研究对象,结合福州贵安东雁综合住区开发实践,通过分析内外开发条件,研究相关理论,借鉴成功案例开发特征,提出相应的规划策略、规划方法以及具体的建设措施,并对东雁TOLD住区开发过程进行反思,以期通过实证性研究引导TOLD住区规划建设,,为其他TOLD住区缓解规避相关问题提供参考借鉴。本项目源自导师组实践项目,本文属工程实践型论文。 论文分为五个章节: 第一章主要论述了论文的选题背景、研究意义及目的、研究内容以及论文框架等。 第二章主要讨论分析了针对项目地的基本现状及其所在城市的旅游地产市场环境,以此总结了项目地作为TOLD住区开发的影响条件。 第三章为论文的基础理论及实践案例研究,讨论了研究对象的概念与内涵,并评析了TOLD住区成功案例的开发特征,通过比较借鉴,总结了TOLD模式对东雁住区开发的适用性。 第四章在对项目地开发条件、TOLD住区概念及案例深入研究的基础上,对贵安东雁TOLD住区规划进行实证研究,提出相应规划策略、规划方法,针对具体方面提出相应建设实施措施。最后,对项目若干建设实施问题进行反思,以期能引导福州市TOLD住区技术性方法措施的合理化运用。 最后一章为论文总结,概述了主要结论及创新之处,并对TOLD住区的开发实践研究做出进一步的展望。
[Abstract]:TOLD model is a new development model of tourism and real estate, which is the subdivision type of tourism real estate development. It is the inevitable outcome of the development of tourism real estate from "small, fine, strange" to "high, big and complete". It not only meets the increasing leisure and vacation needs of urban residents, but also fulfills its yearning for livable ecological environment and realizes people's dream of "living and traveling sharing". Fuzhou is a famous hot spring recuperation place in Fuzhou since ancient times, which provides a good resource platform for the development and operation of TOLD residential area. With the increasingly fierce competition in Fuzhou real estate market in recent years and the strict control of the real estate market in the whole country, the innovation of the combination of real estate and tourism has become one of the inevitable trends. Thus, tourism real estate development from the initial take-off trial stage gradually to mature scale development and management. Therefore, the scale of TOLD residential area has become a hot spot in the development of tourism real estate. Under this background, this paper takes the TOLD residential area as the research object, combines the Fuzhou Gui Antonyan comprehensive residential district development practice, through the analysis inside and outside the development condition, studies the correlation theory, uses for reference the successful case development characteristic, proposes the corresponding planning strategy. The planning method and concrete construction measures, and the reflection on the development process of Dongyan TOLD residential area, in order to guide the planning and construction of TOLD residential area through empirical research, and to provide reference for other TOLD settlements to alleviate the related problems. This project comes from the practice project of tutor group, this paper belongs to engineering practice paper. The thesis is divided into five chapters: the first chapter mainly discusses the background, research significance and purpose, research content and the framework of the thesis. The second chapter mainly discusses and analyzes the basic situation of the project land and the tourism real estate market environment in the city, and summarizes the influence conditions of the project land as the TOLD residential development. The third chapter is the basic theory and practical case study of the thesis, discusses the concept and connotation of the research object, and evaluates the development characteristics of the successful case of TOLD residential area, and summarizes the applicability of the TOLD model to the development of Dongyan residential district through comparison and reference. In chapter 4, on the basis of deep research on the concept and case of the project site development condition, the author makes an empirical study on the TOLD residential area planning of Gui Antonon Yan, puts forward the corresponding planning strategies, planning methods, and puts forward the corresponding construction and implementation measures in view of the concrete aspects. Finally, some problems of project construction implementation are reconsidered in order to guide the rational application of technical measures in Fuzhou TOLD residential area. The last chapter summarizes the main conclusions and innovations, and makes a further prospect on the development practice of TOLD residential area.


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