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发布时间:2018-11-12 12:11
【摘要】:在经济全球化的背景下,美国的次贷危机给美国乃至全球的经济都带来了严重的冲击。中国是当今世界最主要的新兴市场之一,中国的房地产市场也受到了次贷危机的影响。本报告以笔者翻译的美国奥巴马政府所做的国会报告“美国住房金融市场改革”一文的中文翻译为基础,以“功能派翻译理论”为指导思想,以“翻译目的论”为基本理论依据,对译文质量进行分析,是对此次翻译任务的完成过程和完成情况所做的一个总结。报告通过理论解析和案例分析来探讨“翻译目的论”对翻译实践的指导作用,以期为相关经济领域的翻译提供积极的参考和启示,也有助于相关行业从业者系统性地了解美国住房金融市场的弊病,深化对美国房地产政策及改革动向的理解。 报告主要由引言,任务描述,翻译过程,翻译理论,案例分析,实践总结共六个章节组成。任务描述,翻译过程部分是对本次任务一个整体性的介绍,包括翻译文本的背景介绍,文本类型分析,翻译任务具体的完成过程等方面内容。翻译理论和案例分析部分为本次翻译实践报告的核心部分,主要以“美国住房金融市场改革”的中文译本作为材料,依据“翻译目的论”对翻译策略以及一些技巧、方法进行了初步的探讨和研究。实践总结一章概括了在翻译过程中所获取的经验以及有待提高的方面。笔者认为,对于信息型文本的翻译,要灵活采用各种翻译方法,,既要保证译文的准确性,又要使译文为读者所理解和接受,这样才能实现准确传递信息的目的。
[Abstract]:In the context of economic globalization, the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States has brought serious impact to the economy of the United States and even the whole world. China is one of the most important emerging markets in the world. China's real estate market is also affected by the subprime mortgage crisis. This report is based on the Chinese translation of the Congressional report "Housing Financial Market Reform in the United States" made by the Obama administration, and is guided by the "functional Translation Theory". Based on the translation Skopos theory, this paper analyzes the translation quality, which is a summary of the completion of the translation task. Through theoretical analysis and case analysis, the report explores the guiding role of Skopos in translation practice, with a view to providing positive reference and inspiration for translation in related economic fields. It is also helpful for relevant industry practitioners to systematically understand the drawbacks of the U.S. housing financial market and deepen their understanding of U.S. housing policy and reform trends. The report consists of six chapters: introduction, task description, translation process, translation theory, case analysis and practice summary. The task description, translation process part is a holistic introduction to this task, including the background of the translated text, the text type analysis, the specific completion process of the translation task and so on. The translation theory and case analysis are the core parts of this translation practice report, mainly based on the Chinese translation of the American Housing Financial Market Reform, and the translation strategies and some techniques according to the Translation Skopos Theory. Methods A preliminary study was carried out. The chapter summarizes the experience gained in the translation process and the aspects that need to be improved. The author believes that for the translation of informative texts, all kinds of translation methods should be adopted flexibly. It is necessary to ensure the accuracy of the translation and to make the translation understood and accepted by the readers, so as to achieve the purpose of transmitting information accurately.


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