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发布时间:2018-11-12 18:29
[Abstract]:Since our country housing system reform, the real estate industry develops rapidly. At present, the real estate industry has become one of the important pillar industries in China, which has far-reaching influence on the development of national economy and social stability. However, the research shows that the real estate industry of our country has the bad trend of excessive investment scale, unreasonable structure and intensified speculative trading. Therefore, it is of great significance to strengthen the research on real estate industry, to control its investment scale, to optimize its industrial structure, to restrain its speculative trading, and to improve the development of national economy and the living conditions of residents. At the same time, because of the characteristics of large investment amount, more capital occupation and higher risk and income in real estate development projects, real estate enterprises usually face higher financial risk in the course of operation. Therefore, it is of great significance for the healthy and stable development of the real estate industry to strengthen the research on the financial risk of the real estate development project from both the macro and micro angles. Based on this, this paper takes the Jinxiu-Enron Project as an example, discusses the financial risk in the development of real estate project, and according to the theory of financial risk, puts forward the method of identifying the financial risk of real estate project. The index system of project financial risk identification and evaluation is constructed, and the method of controlling financial risk in the process of real estate project preparation and development is put forward through the calculation and analysis of related indexes. In order to understand the financial risk of real estate projects, and try to put forward some useful suggestions. This paper is divided into six parts. The first part is the introduction. This part briefly introduces the research background and significance from three aspects of macroeconomic policy, industry development and market competition. The second part is a review of relevant theories and studies. This part introduces the financial risk theory, which is the theoretical basis of real estate project financial risk management, and reviews the current research situation of the topic. The third part is the project overview. This paper discusses the financial market, market competition and environmental protection. The fourth part forecasts the investment, financing, sales income, cost, profit and cash flow of the project. The fifth part is the identification, evaluation, analysis and control of project financial risk. This section points out the potential financial risks and possible consequences of the project plan. The last part of the article is the conclusion and prospect. Through the evaluation and analysis of project financing, investment income recovery and cash flow, we find that there are certain financial risks in debt repayment, investment recovery and cash flow in Fairview Enron real estate project. The results show that real estate enterprises should focus on the following aspects to control the financial risks of their development projects: firstly, the establishment of risk early warning mechanism should be realized in order to discover the possible risks in time; Secondly, the identification method of financial risk should be grasped in order to find out the influencing factors. Thirdly, we should construct a perfect index system of risk assessment and analysis, and evaluate the financial risk scientifically. Finally, we should find out and implement effective control measures to control the financial risk of the project. For example, the enterprise should strengthen the control of cost and expense. Accelerate the collection of accounts receivable; Raise profit, increase income and cut expenditure, avoid and reduce its financial risk reasonably.


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