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发布时间:2018-11-13 20:15
【摘要】:商业计划书是企业为达到发展的目标,在对项目深入调研、收集资料、整理分析的基础上,编写的提供给投资商及相关其他人员的材料,旨在全面展示公司和项目状况、未来发展潜力。本商业投资计划书是YT地产集团公司基于某市辛家庙项目编制,用于项目开发阶段对外筹集资金,计划书通过展现项目的价值和投资潜力,使投资人了解项目整体情况及预计收益水平,从而做出投资决策。辛家庙项目位于某市主城区未央区的二环沿线,距该市行政中心8公里,距高铁站12公里,周边有占地3.5平方公里的大明宫中央遗址公园及沪灞河流域生态景观带,可尽享大明宫中央居住区的市政、文化、旅游、金融、商业等综合配套。项目占地面积22.9万平米,规划建筑面积93万平米,预计总投资52亿元。本计划书主要针对其中住宅部分进行了研究,住宅部分建筑面积为72万平米,总投资42亿元。 本商业计划书,第一章介绍了商业计划书编写的概况,第二章介绍了辛家庙项目及开发公司的整体情况,使投资者对项目和开发商有一个直观的了解。第三章对目前房地产宏观经济市场、该市及项目所在区域的市场情况进行分析,通过SWOT模型分析了项目的优势、劣势、机会和威胁。第四章将项目整体定位为生态级城市副中心,并从规划定位、商业布局、建筑风格、户型比例、公建配套、物业管理、安全管理等方面对项目进行了产品定位,客户定位为主要满足首次改善和多次改善的需求,少量考虑顶级客户的需求。第五章从市场营销方面,对项目的定价情况、营销策略和市场推广计划进行了说明。第六章介绍了项目的开发计划,项目分5期开发,对各期的面积及主要工程节点情况进行了说明。第七章财务计划,对项目的总投资的内容及资金使用计划进行了预测,然后对项目的销售收入及各年回款情况进行了预测,从而得出了项目的资金需求,即资金需求4亿元,期限3年。第八章财务评价和风险分析,通过编制资金来源及运用分析表、利润表进行预测,得出项目的利润总额为11.82亿元,税后净利润为8.87亿元,净利润率为16.4%;通过静态财务指标评价,得出静态投资回收期3.9年,税后投资利润率为21%,资本金利润率为98.5%;通过动态指标分析评价,得出项目的净现值为34,420万元、动态投资回收期为4.5年、项目的财务内部收益率为21.6%;最后对项目不确定性进行分析,在盈亏平衡和敏感性分析的基础上,分析了项目的主要风险和应对策略。 本计划书对项目销售及开发计划进行了详细描述和周密安排,对项目进行了完整了财务分析,研究表明:项目具有良好的预期经济效益水平。
[Abstract]:A business plan is a material prepared by an enterprise for investors and other relevant personnel on the basis of in-depth investigation, data collection, and analysis of projects to achieve the development goals, in order to comprehensively show the company and the status of the project. The potential for future development. This commercial investment plan is prepared by YT Real Estate Group Company based on the Xinjiamiao project in a certain city, which is used to raise funds for the project development phase. The plan shows the value and investment potential of the project. Enable investors to understand the overall situation of the project and the expected level of income, and thus make investment decisions. The Xinjiamiao project is located along the second Ring Road in Weiyang District, the main urban area of a certain city, 8 kilometers from the city's administrative center and 12 kilometers from the high-speed railway station. There is an area of 3.5 square kilometers around the Central ruins Park of the Daming Palace and the ecological landscape belt of the Huba River Basin. Daming Palace can enjoy the central residential district of municipal, cultural, tourism, finance, commerce and other comprehensive supporting. The project covers an area of 229000 square meters, planning construction area of 930000 square meters, estimated total investment of 5.2 billion yuan. This plan mainly focuses on the residential part, the residential part of the building area is 720000 square meters, the total investment is 4.2 billion yuan. This business plan, the first chapter introduces the general situation of the preparation of the business plan, the second chapter introduces the Xinjiamiao project and the overall situation of the development company, so that investors have an intuitive understanding of the project and developers. The third chapter analyzes the market situation of the real estate macroeconomic market, the city and the area where the project is located, and analyzes the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the project through the SWOT model. In the fourth chapter, the project is positioned as a sub-center of eco-level city, and the project is positioned from the aspects of planning orientation, commercial layout, architectural style, household proportion, public construction matching, property management, safety management and so on. Customer orientation is mainly to meet the needs of the first and multiple improvements, a small number of top customer needs. Chapter five explains the pricing situation, marketing strategy and marketing plan of the project from the aspect of marketing. The sixth chapter introduces the development plan of the project, which is divided into five phases, and explains the area of each period and the main project nodes. Chapter VII financial plan, the content of the total investment of the project and the use of funds are predicted, and then the sales income of the project and the situation of each year to forecast, so as to get the project's funding needs, that is, the capital requirements of 400 million yuan. The deadline is three years. Chapter 8 financial evaluation and risk analysis, through compiling the fund source and using the analysis statement and profit statement to forecast, the total profit of the project is 1.182 billion yuan, the net profit after tax is 887 million yuan, and the net profit rate is 16.4; Through static financial index evaluation, it is concluded that the payback period of static investment is 3.9 years, the profit rate of after-tax investment is 21%, and the profit rate of capital is 98.55%. Through dynamic index analysis and evaluation, it is concluded that the net present value of the project is 344.2 million yuan, the dynamic investment payback period is 4.5 years, and the financial internal rate of return of the project is 21.6b. Finally, the uncertainty of the project is analyzed. On the basis of break-even and sensitivity analysis, the main risks and countermeasures of the project are analyzed. The project sales and development plan is described and carefully arranged in this plan, and the financial analysis of the project is completed. The research shows that the project has a good level of expected economic benefits.


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