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发布时间:2018-11-21 18:53
[Abstract]:The rapid development of real estate in China puts forward higher requirements for the establishment of registration system of real estate property change and the perfection of relevant theories. The registration authorities highlighted in the real estate transaction process are not unified. The uncertainty of the mode of registration review and the uncertainty of the nature of false registration are the most important problems to be solved in the process of establishing the registration system of real estate property rights and perfecting the relevant theories. The main reason for these problems lies in the unclear nature of the registration of real property rights in our country. Through the research and analysis, this paper clarifies the private law nature of real estate property right change registration, and expounds its theory and practical basis of private law. And on the basis of clarifying the nature of real estate real right change registration, the related theoretical and institutional problems are solved. This paper mainly uses the literature research method and the case study method in the writing method, through the literature reference and the case analysis, has demonstrated the real estate registration nature to register the legal effect as well as the legal responsibility influence. From this point of view, the author probes into the nature of the registration of the change of real property right in our country, and provides a conclusion for the theoretical definition of the nature of the examination of the registration of real estate and the nature of the responsibility of the registration authority for misregistration. Through the study of this problem and the clarification of the relevant legal issues, it will play a guiding role in the establishment and improvement of the real estate registration system in China. Firstly, this paper briefly reviews the relevant regulations on real estate registration or real estate management in ancient China, and compares the existing theories about the nature of real estate registration in China. The main problems of the research on the nature of real right change registration are clarified. The second and third parts introduce the factors that cause the dispute about the nature of real estate registration, including the image of registration form, the legal effect of registration and the legal liability. The problem of administrative tendency in the remedy of error registration and the theoretical problems highlighted in the present situation are summarized. The fourth part of the paper compares the real estate registration with the industrial and commercial registration, determines the private law nature of the real estate registration, and gives the theoretical and practical basis of the private property of the real estate registration. The last part of the paper introduces how to clarify the nature of real estate registration for the current real estate registration system and even the real right system.


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