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发布时间:2018-11-24 13:15
【摘要】:房地产行业是国民经济支柱产业,随着我国经济社会的持续发展,城市居民不断增加,加上旧城改造步伐的加快,房地产业近年来呈现蓬勃发展之势。作为建设项目,在其施工与运营的过程中,不可避免地会产生一定量的废气、废水、固体废弃物、扬尘及噪声等,对环境造成污染与破坏。而良好的环境是人们安居乐业的基本保障,也是可持续发展的必要条件,在社会发展的过程中应当尽量减少对环境造成的不利影响。因此,准确、客观地评价房地产项目的环境影响,并制定合理有效的技术措施,以达到减少污染、保护环境的目的,具有重要的理论与现实意义。 本文针对这一实际问题进行了研究,以成都市新都区某房地产开发项目三期工程为例,对该项目进行了全面的环境影响评价。首先通过收集项目资料、研究环评理论以及解读有关法规和标准,对项目的环境影响因素进行了识别,筛选出了环境影响因子。后通过工程分析,明确了施工期与运营期的主要污染物排放情况,并对不同污染物可能造成的环境影响进行了预测与分析,为环境保护措施的制定提供了依据。之后在大量总结类似项目环境影响评价实际经验的基础上,分别对施工期与运营期产生的各类污染制定了相应的防治措施,并就可能起到的污染防治效果进行了预测。最后综合各项的分析,得出了该项目的环境影响评价结论,并对项目的建设提出了一些建议。 本文对该项目的环境影响评价结论主要包括:项目在施工期与运营期将产生废气、扬尘、废水、固体废弃物、噪声以及其他污染,在施工期主要产生扬尘及噪声污染,在运营期主要产生废水及固体废弃物。施工期的污染程度较重,但施工周期十分有限,污染会随着施工期的结束而消失;运营期的污染程度较轻,但运营周期较长,污染会持续产生。施工期对于生态环境的影响是短暂的,且施工结束后生态环境基本可以得到恢复;运营期对于生态环境会产生长期影响,且在运营过程中也会受到生态环境的影响,二者之间的影响是相互的。无论是施工期还是运营期,通过采取科学合理的分类防治措施,都能够有效地减少污染物对环境造成的不利影响,使环境污染程度下降到较低水平。同时项目的实施能够在经济、社会及环境方面产生良好的效益,因此,从环境保护方面上说,项目的建设是可行的。
[Abstract]:The real estate industry is the pillar industry of the national economy. With the sustained development of our country's economy and society, the urban residents are increasing, and the pace of the transformation of the old city is quickening, the real estate industry has been developing vigorously in recent years. As a construction project, a certain amount of waste gas, waste water, solid waste, dust and noise will inevitably be produced in the process of construction and operation, which will cause pollution and damage to the environment. A good environment is the basic guarantee for people to live and work in peace and contentment, and is also a necessary condition for sustainable development. In the process of social development, the adverse effects on the environment should be minimized as far as possible. Therefore, it is of great theoretical and practical significance to evaluate the environmental impact of real estate projects accurately and objectively, and to formulate reasonable and effective technical measures to reduce pollution and protect the environment. Taking a real estate development project in Xindu District of Chengdu as an example, this paper makes a comprehensive environmental impact assessment on this project. Firstly, by collecting the project data, studying the theory of EIA and interpreting the relevant laws and standards, the environmental impact factors of the project are identified, and the environmental impact factors are screened out. Through engineering analysis, the main pollutant discharge during construction period and operation period is clarified, and the possible environmental impact caused by different pollutants is predicted and analyzed, which provides the basis for the formulation of environmental protection measures. Then on the basis of summing up the practical experience of environmental impact assessment of similar projects, the corresponding prevention and control measures are made for each kind of pollution produced during the construction period and the operation period respectively, and the possible pollution prevention and control effects are forecasted. Finally, the conclusion of the environmental impact assessment of the project is obtained, and some suggestions for the construction of the project are put forward. The conclusions of the environmental impact assessment of the project are as follows: exhaust gas, dust, waste water, solid waste, noise and other pollution will be produced during the construction and operation of the project, and dust and noise pollution will be produced during the construction period. Waste water and solid waste are mainly produced during the operation period. The pollution degree of construction period is serious, but the construction period is very limited, the pollution will disappear with the end of construction period, the pollution degree of operation period is lighter, but the operation period is longer, the pollution will continue to produce. The effect of the construction period on the ecological environment is short, and the ecological environment can be basically restored after the construction. The operation period will have a long-term impact on the ecological environment and will also be affected by the ecological environment in the course of operation. By adopting scientific and reasonable measures to prevent and control the environment, the adverse effects of pollutants on the environment can be effectively reduced, and the degree of environmental pollution can be reduced to a lower level. At the same time, the implementation of the project can produce good economic, social and environmental benefits. Therefore, the construction of the project is feasible in terms of environmental protection.


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