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发布时间:2018-11-28 09:33
【摘要】:刘砦城中村改造项目位于郑州市二七文化新城核心区域,是郑州南部重点建设项目,由郑州玉安联合置业有限公司负责开发改造。项目于2011年启动,分两期进行开发,周期为8-10年(2011年至2020年),项目总投资约80亿。针对开发周期长,资金压力巨大的城中村改造项目,面临整个开发周期中各阶段风险因素的影响,如何有效地分析和评估各阶段风险要素的影响程度,并提供相应的应对策略是刘砦城中村改造项目成功实现改造目标的关键。 本文以项目风险为理论依据,借鉴其他房地产项目风险管理的成功实践,系统地研究了刘砦城中村改造项目开发风险及控制策略。首先,根据郑州城中村改造发展历程,通过借鉴郑州城中村改造的成功经验,探讨了刘砦城中村改造的三种主要模式。基于刘砦城中村改造项目规划,揭示了项目存在的风险问题。其次,结合刘砦城中村改造项目的风险特征和项目开发流程,对项目获准阶段、拆迁安置阶段、土地整合阶段、规划建设阶段四个阶段的风险因素进行全面识别。然后,采用专家调查法和层次分析法对项目整体开发风险指标权重进行计算和评估。最后,根据评估结果,对项目拆迁安置、土地整合、规划建设阶段的风险控制进行重点研究,提供了刘砦城中村改造开发风险控制策略。 本文特色与创新之处主要表现在:①借鉴郑州其他城中村改造成功经验,探讨了刘砦城中村的改造模式,并揭示了该项目存在的风险问题。②根据刘砦城中村改造流程的阶段性划分和项目的风险特征,识别了刘砦城中村改造项目各阶段风险要素,并对各项风险因素进行量化评估。③提供了项目拆迁安置、土地整合和规划建设阶段的刘砦城中村改造开发风险控制策略。本文的研究不仅为刘砦城中村改造项目提供了一套可操作的开发风险控制策略,而且为其他城中村改造项目的风险防范提供了理论依据和分析途径。
[Abstract]:Located in the core area of Erqi Cultural New Town of Zhengzhou City, Liuzhai village reconstruction project is a key construction project in the south of Zhengzhou, which is developed and renovated by Zhengzhou Yuan United property Co., Ltd. The project was launched in 2011 and developed in two phases over a period of 8-10 years (2011-2020), with a total investment of about 8 billion. Facing the impact of risk factors in each stage of the development cycle, how to effectively analyze and evaluate the impact of risk factors in each stage of the development cycle, which has a long development cycle and a huge capital pressure, is facing the impact of the risk factors in each stage of the development cycle. The key to the successful realization of the transformation goal is to provide the corresponding coping strategies. Based on the theory of project risk and the successful practice of risk management in other real estate projects, this paper systematically studies the development risk and control strategy of Liushai village reconstruction project. First of all, according to the development course of Zhengzhou city village transformation, through the successful experience of Zhengzhou city village reconstruction, this paper discusses three main models of Liuzhai city village reconstruction. Based on the planning of the village reconstruction project in Liushai city, the risk problem of the project is revealed. Secondly, combined with the risk characteristics and project development process of Liushai village reconstruction project, the risk factors in the four stages of project approval stage, relocation stage, land integration stage, planning and construction stage are fully identified. Then, the expert investigation method and analytic hierarchy process are used to calculate and evaluate the overall development risk index weight of the project. Finally, according to the evaluation results, the risk control in the stages of project relocation, land integration, planning and construction is studied, and the risk control strategy for the reconstruction and development of Liuzhai village is provided. The main features and innovations of this paper are as follows: 1 referring to the successful experience of transformation of other urban villages in Zhengzhou, this paper probes into the transformation mode of Liuzhai village in the city. It also reveals the risk problems existing in the project. 2 according to the stage division of the village reconstruction process and the risk characteristics of the project, the risk elements of each stage of the Liuzhai village reconstruction project are identified. The risk factors are evaluated quantitatively. 3. The risk control strategy for the reconstruction and development of the village in Liuzhai city is provided in the stages of project relocation, land integration and planning and construction. The research in this paper not only provides a set of operable development risk control strategy for Liuzhai village reconstruction project, but also provides a theoretical basis and an analytical approach for the risk prevention of other urban village reconstruction projects.


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