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发布时间:2018-12-16 22:29
【摘要】:摘要:在世界经济刚刚经历危机洗礼的缓慢复苏时期,全球医疗器械行业却迎来了新一轮的快速发展。作为新兴的世界第二大经济体,这种良好的发展势头给中国的医疗器械行业带来了前所未有的机遇。国内民众健康需求激增、“新医改”政策的扶持等,都成了医疗器械行业发展潜力巨大的有力注脚。有机构因此认为,下一个十年,中国的医疗健康产业有望取代房地产,成为国民经济支柱行业。但另一方面,国内医疗器械行业发展起步晚,技术落后,人才匮乏,产业集中度不够,,竞争无序等短板也是不争的事实。 正是在这样的时空背景下,几年前,日本PE公司以数字X射线摄影设备(DR)的销售和生产为前行,正式进军国内医疗健康领域。本文运用实证研究方法,通过查阅文献资料比较归纳并进行实地调查研究,在客观阐述国内外行业宏观情况,冷静直视分析PE公司DR营销策略现状的基础上,使用SWOT分析等理论分析工具,对PE公司的数字X射线摄影设备(DR)营销策略进行剖析,总结出其DR产品的STP和4P策略面临的问题。并由此对PE公司数字化X射线摄影设备(DR)产品的营销策略进行了规划和调整,对改善和优化后的DR产品线STP以及产品、价格、促销和渠道策略进行了详细的论述。最后,提出了具体的调整后营销策略的实施意见和建议。 本文对PE公司数字X射线摄影设备(DR)营销策略的研究,除了力求本研究观点能促进PE公司DR产品的营销管理外,也希望能给行业快速发展背景下的其它国内医疗器械企业和DR销售同行带来参考和借鉴价值。
[Abstract]:Absrtact: the world economy has just experienced the slow recovery period of crisis baptism, but the global medical device industry has ushered in a new round of rapid development. As the second largest economy in the world, this good development momentum has brought unprecedented opportunities to China's medical device industry. The surge of domestic health demand and the support of the new medical reform policy have become a powerful footnote to the development potential of the medical device industry. As a result, China's healthcare industry is expected to replace real estate as a pillar of the national economy over the next decade. On the other hand, it is also an indisputable fact that the development of domestic medical device industry starts late, the technology is backward, the talent is scarce, the industrial concentration is not enough, and the competition is disordered. It is in this time and space background, a few years ago, Japan's PE company with the digital X-ray photography equipment (DR) sales and production as the front, formally into the domestic medical and health field. This article uses the empirical research method, through consulting the literature material comparison induction and carries on the field investigation research, in the objective elaboration domestic and foreign profession macroscopic situation, calmly directly analyzes the PE company DR marketing strategy present situation foundation, By using SWOT analysis and other theoretical analysis tools, this paper analyzes the (DR) marketing strategy of PE's digital X-ray photography equipment, and summarizes the problems faced by STP and 4P strategy of its DR products. The marketing strategy of (DR) products of digital X-ray photography equipment of PE Company is planned and adjusted, and the improved and optimized DR product line STP, as well as the product, price, promotion and channel strategy are discussed in detail. Finally, the author puts forward some suggestions and suggestions on the implementation of the adjusted marketing strategy. In this paper, the research on (DR) marketing strategy of digital X-ray photography equipment of PE Company, in addition to this research point of view can promote the marketing management of DR products of PE Company, It also hopes to bring reference and reference value to other domestic medical device enterprises and DR sales peers under the background of rapid development of the industry.


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