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发布时间:2018-12-17 22:08
【摘要】:控制性详细规划在我国规划体系中具有“承上启下”的关键性作用,是体现城市设计构想的重要阶段,是衔接规划管理与规划实施的具体层次。但是随着土地改革制度的转变和房地产市场的迅速成长,在城市开发建设中出现了过分追求经济效益的现象,使得城市空间环境遭到了极大的破坏,城市环境效益、社会效益得不到应有的保障。在规划者的惯性思维中,认为控制性详细规划主要是为了组织社会各种公共设施的建设以及控制土地的开发强度,对于城市空间环境质量的控制指导作用并没有看重。如何在控制土地开发的同时提升城市空间环境质量品质,这已然成为控制性详细规划今后发展的重点研究方向之一。 本文开篇从控制性详细规划和城市设计相关的基础理论知识介绍入手,,阐明控制性详细规划与城市设计之间的辨证关系。借鉴国内外相关案例的经验,指出目前控制性详细规划在编制过程中可能存在对城市空间环境品质的控制不足的问题,而城市设计方法则可以在一定程度上解决这方面的问题。进而通过对与城市空间环境塑造相关的控制指标的重新架构和完善,最终期望达到把城市设计的思想方法贯穿于控规指标的编制过程中,营造良好的城市空间环境品质的目的。
[Abstract]:Controlling detailed planning plays a key role in the planning system of our country. It is an important stage of reflecting the conception of urban design and the concrete level of linking planning management with planning implementation. However, with the change of the land reform system and the rapid growth of the real estate market, the phenomenon of excessive pursuit of economic benefits has appeared in the urban development and construction, which has caused great damage to the urban space environment and the urban environmental benefits. Social benefits are not guaranteed properly. In the inertial thinking of planners, it is believed that the main purpose of controlling detailed planning is to organize the construction of various public facilities and to control the development intensity of land, and the guiding role of controlling the quality of urban space environment is not attached great importance to. How to improve the quality of urban space environment while controlling land development has become one of the key research directions in the future development of controlling planning. At the beginning of this paper, the dialectical relationship between the control detailed planning and the urban design is clarified by introducing the basic theoretical knowledge related to the control detailed planning and the urban design. Based on the experience of relevant cases at home and abroad, it is pointed out that there may be insufficient control over the quality of urban space environment in the process of compiling the control detailed planning, and the urban design method can solve this problem to a certain extent. Through the re-structure and perfection of the control indexes related to the shaping of the urban space environment, it is hoped that the idea and method of urban design will run through the compilation process of the control index and create the good quality of the urban spatial environment.


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