[Abstract]:From the stage of urban development, due to the scarcity of land resources in central urban areas and the high cost of land storage, the spatial development pattern of multi-center and multi-group is adopted to realize the development of population diversion and regional homogenization. It is a necessary stage for the development of cities, especially big cities. However, from the current situation, the urban center and the new section of infrastructure has not been fully connected, there is still a gap between the level of public service between the two. At the same time, in order to achieve the goal of homogeneous development, the infrastructure construction of the new area needs a large amount of capital investment. However, because of the lag of development, the important support of the local financial revenue of the new area is still the real estate. Thus, the urbanization of land is faster than that of urban population.
【作者单位】: 武汉市土地利用和城市空间规划研究中心;
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