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发布时间:2018-12-28 15:13
【摘要】:进入媒体时代以来,我们就被越来越多的图像所包围,从网络到广告,图像无处不在。特别是在广告中,图像扮演着尤其重要的角色,而其中的语言文字也以其独特魅力引起了语言学界的极大兴趣。同时,广告商通过其他非语言符号来达到特定的目的,对消费者进行控制。目前,报纸上有大量制作精美的房地产广告影响着人们的消费意识和价值观念,广告语篇中的语言符号和非语言符号均被赋予了特定的意识形态意义,,来达到意识形态渗透的目的,因此,消费者需要提高自己的多模态话语识读能力。本文选取《纽约时报》中的20篇房地产广告作为研究语料,遵循批评性话语分析的分析理念,将批评性话语的分析视角由传统的文本语篇扩展到兼有文本和图像的多模态语篇。对广告中的图片采用Kressvan Leeuwen提出的图像语法的分析方法,对文字采用NormanFairclough提出的批评性话语分析的分析框架,从及物性系统角度对文字进行批评性分析。运用定性分析和定量分析结合的研究方法,来试图揭示图像和文字在意识形态渗透过程中发挥的作用。 对于图片的研究表明,广告语篇设计者通过行为过程、反应过程和分类过程来实现图像的再现功能。为了实现图像的互动功能,广告商把接触、社会距离和视角作为主要方式,发挥它们在意识形态渗透过程中起到的重要作用。在房地产广告中,提供类图像被大量地使用来建立与受众之间看似平等友好、真实可信的关系。广告商常用近景和中景来建立与受众之间亲密无间的关系,唤起他们对房屋的需求,实现对受众情感上的操控。然而,在一些广告中,制造商也会运用远景来塑造一个高端大气上档次的房产广告。图像的构图意义主要通过信息值、显著性和框架来实现。各个元素的布局都是广告商刻意安排,用来体现一定的意识形态意义。顶端--底部的布局被大量地使用,其目的是要强化房屋的权威性以及凸显出文字的真实性和可靠性。对于广告中语言文字的分析主要是通过及物性来实现。研究表明,物质过程、关系过程、存在过程和心理过程是广告语篇的主要过程。在房产广告中,广告商主要采用物质过程展示其独特的服务,以及带给住户意想不到的体验;通过关系过程和存在过程,让消费者感受到他们完善的设施,优雅的环境,引起对他们的重视;采用心理过程来营造一种与受众之间想象的交流语境,拉进距离,唤起消费者情感上的需求,增强说服效果。 本文旨在揭示《纽约时报》中房地产广告中的图片和文字是如何相互作用,在特定的文化语境下运用各种符号对消费者进行情感、态度和观念上的控制。研究表明,房地产广告商试图塑造一种和谐的、有归属感的居住环境来唤起消费者对于和谐生活,社会地位和自我价值的强烈追求,从而间接地宣传了一种提倡高消费的意识形态观。
[Abstract]:Since entering the media age, we are surrounded by more and more images, from the Internet to advertising, images are everywhere. Especially in advertising, image plays a particularly important role, and the language and characters have aroused great interest in the linguistic field because of its unique charm. At the same time, advertisers use other non-verbal symbols to achieve specific purposes and control consumers. At present, there are a large number of beautifully produced real estate advertisements in newspapers that affect people's consumption awareness and values. Both linguistic and non-linguistic symbols in advertising texts are endowed with specific ideological significance. Therefore, consumers need to improve their multi-modal discourse reading ability. This paper selects 20 real estate advertisements in the New York Times as the research corpus and follows the analytical concept of critical discourse analysis and extends the perspective of critical discourse analysis from traditional text discourse to multi-modal discourse with both text and image. The image grammar method proposed by Kressvan Leeuwen and the critical discourse analysis framework proposed by NormanFairclough are used to analyze the text from the perspective of transitivity system. By using qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, this paper attempts to reveal the role of images and words in the process of ideological infiltration. The study of pictures shows that advertising text designers achieve the function of image reproduction through the process of behavior, reaction and classification. In order to realize the interactive function of images, advertisers take contact, social distance and visual angle as the main ways to play an important role in the process of ideological infiltration. In real estate advertising, providing images are widely used to establish a seemingly equal, friendly, truthful relationship with the audience. Advertisers often use close-shot and mid-view to establish a close relationship with the audience, arouse their demand for housing, and achieve emotional manipulation of the audience. In some ads, however, manufacturers also use the vision to shape a high-end class real estate ad. The meaning of image composition is mainly realized by information value, significance and frame. The layout of each element is deliberately arranged by advertisers to reflect a certain ideological significance. The top-bottom layout is widely used to strengthen the authority of the house and highlight the authenticity and reliability of the text. The analysis of language and characters in advertising is mainly realized by materiality. The study shows that material process, relational process, existential process and psychological process are the main processes of advertising discourse. In the real estate advertisement, the advertiser mainly uses the material process to display its unique service, as well as to bring the household unexpected experience; Through the relationship process and the existence process, lets the consumer feel their perfect facilities, the elegant environment, causes to them the attention; The psychological process is used to create an imaginary communication context with the audience, to draw the distance, to arouse the emotional needs of consumers, and to enhance the persuasion effect. The purpose of this paper is to reveal how the pictures and words in the Real Estate advertisement in the New York Times interact with each other, and use various symbols to control the consumer's emotion, attitude and concept in a specific cultural context. Research shows that real estate advertisers are trying to create a harmonious, sense of belonging living environment to arouse consumers' strong pursuit of harmonious life, social status and self-worth. Thus indirectly propagandizing an ideology view that advocates high consumption.


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