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发布时间:2018-12-30 17:01
【摘要】:建筑业一直是我国国民经济的支柱产业,在经济发展中发挥着非常重要的作用。2009年世界金融危机之前,受国内经济高速发展的带动下,建筑业进入了快速增长的黄金时期,建筑施工企业得到了快速发展;金融危机爆发后,在国家4万亿投资拉动国内经济发展措施后,建筑施工企业得到了更大的蛋糕。目前,随着国家结构调整和房地产调控措施的实施,建筑业将不再像前几年那样繁荣了,建筑施工企业的施工任务势必减少,竞争会更加激烈。面对新形势,,特进行本研究。 本文首先对国内外战略理论进行综述,依此指导二十二冶集团天津建设有限公司发展战略研究。 其次,运用PEST分析法、“五力模型”对天津公司所面临的外部环境、行业竞争结构进行了详细的战略分析,总结出影响天津公司的外部机会与威胁。 再次,对天津公司的内部环境进行了认真、细致的分析,并与兄弟单位进行了对比分析,找出了天津公司自身的优势与劣势;运用SWOT矩阵分析法,结合天津公司所具有的优势与劣势及其所面临的机会与威胁,明确了企业发展方向,制定了天津公司的发展指导思想、战略目标及其总战略。 最后,本文确定天津公司发展战略的实施策略,并结合企业实际,制定了切实可行的战略实施保障措施。 本文研究的目的是帮助二十二冶集团天津建设有限公司确定企业发展思路,制定切实可行的中长期发展战略,培育企业的核心竞争力,帮助公司在新形势下取得持续、科学、稳定、健康的发展,最终实现做强做优目标。
[Abstract]:The construction industry has always been the pillar industry of our national economy and plays a very important role in the economic development. Before the 2009 world financial crisis, the construction industry entered a golden period of rapid growth driven by the rapid development of the domestic economy. Construction enterprises have been developed rapidly; After the outbreak of the financial crisis, construction enterprises got a bigger cake after the national investment of 4 trillion to stimulate the domestic economic development measures. At present, with the implementation of national structural adjustment and real estate regulation measures, the construction industry will no longer be as prosperous as in previous years. The construction tasks of construction enterprises will be reduced and the competition will become more intense. In the face of the new situation, this study is carried out. This paper first summarizes the domestic and foreign strategic theory, according to the guidance of 22 Metallurgical Group Tianjin Construction Co., Ltd development strategy research. Secondly, using the PEST analysis method and the "five forces model", the paper makes a detailed strategic analysis of the external environment and industry competition structure faced by Tianjin Company, and sums up the external opportunities and threats that affect Tianjin Company. Thirdly, the internal environment of Tianjin Company is analyzed carefully and compared with its brother units to find out the advantages and disadvantages of Tianjin Company. By using SWOT matrix analysis method, combined with the advantages and disadvantages of Tianjin Company and the opportunities and threats faced by Tianjin Company, the development direction of Tianjin Company is clarified, and the guiding ideology, strategic objectives and general strategy of Tianjin Company are formulated. Finally, this paper determines the implementation strategy of Tianjin Company's development strategy, and combines with the actual situation of the enterprise, formulates the feasible strategy implementation safeguard measures. The purpose of this paper is to help Tianjin Construction Co., Ltd. 22 Metallurgical Group to determine the development ideas of enterprises, to formulate feasible medium- and long-term development strategies, to cultivate the core competitiveness of enterprises, and to help the companies to achieve sustainability and science in the new situation. Stable, healthy development, and finally achieve the goal of strong and excellent.


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