[Abstract]:The practice of pre-marketing orientation of rural real estate and the theory of pre-marketing of rural real estate in our country are relatively backward, and the rural real estate market originated from China has been formed late, and has experienced a stage of unilateral upswing, which was once unusually "hot". After the market value returns to the normal development level, establishes the correct rural real estate early stage marketing idea, On the basis of deep understanding of the market demand and customer expectation, the pre-stage orientation of rural real estate project can promote the actual development and operation of rural real estate more in line with the market demand and successfully complete the sales. Therefore, the significance of this paper is to learn, study the theory of rural real estate pre-marketing on the basis of the actual project of pre-marketing positioning practice. The theme of this paper is the rural real estate development project in Jiujiang County. The research content of this paper belongs to the early stage orientation in the development of rural real estate. The research is divided into three parts. The first part mainly introduces the background, market status, research methods, research content and the purpose and significance of the pre-positioning of rural real estate. The second part is a complete introduction of rural real estate in the early positioning of the basic theory; This paper deeply studies the development of the pre-positioning of rural real estate, and analyzes the main contents, action status and method procedure of the pre-positioning of rural real estate, and proves some viewpoints by combining qualitative and quantitative methods. The third part is the conclusion and prospect part. It is a comprehensive summary of this paper, put forward a good vision of the early positioning of rural real estate and the shortcomings of this study. This paper mainly uses the 4C strategy in marketing theory to analyze and study the pre-stage orientation of rural real estate, determines the feasible research direction in this field, and makes a variety of development in the future. Marketing has a certain practical significance, showing a strong application value. To study the starting point and key point of the system problem with prospective thinking is in line with the emphasis and macro philosophy. At the same time, this paper adheres to the concept of "starting from the customer, ascribing to the customer", which provides a kind of research thought and frame for the pre-stage orientation of the rural real estate project, and provides reference for the similar rural real estate research and practice in the future.
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