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发布时间:2019-01-09 01:39
【摘要】:改革开放30年,我国经济得到了长足的发展,人口老龄化的问题也渐渐浮出水面,截至2010年底,全国60岁及以上老年人口达到1.67亿,占总人口的12.5%,80岁及以上老年人达到1899万,占老年人口的11.4%。老龄化的问题解决不好必将制约社会经济的发展。本文从房地产市场入手,对养老地产的开发战略及政策建议进行研究,以帮助解决日益严峻的养老问题,使得社会主义的优越性能够真正发挥,为实现社会主义现代化做出贡献。 本文试图以我国老龄化问题日益严峻为研究背景,在对国内养老地产业发展概况进行回顾的基础上,通过PEST、SWOT等战略管理分析工具的运用,审视我国养老地产的战略环境,做出战略选择并在总结与汲取国外养老地产业发展成功经验的基础上,提出适合我国养老地产发展的对策建议,以期能为中国日益严峻的养老问题找到一条可行的解决方法,另外也为传统商业地产的运营与发展开辟新的道路。 本文的分析表明,在总体战略思路上,养老地产业总体发展战略可以考虑先立足于SO战略,以此为基础,充分运用自身的优势和外部机会,应对挑战与劣势,实现WO战略和ST战略向SO战略的逐步顺利过渡。在重点战略选择上,基于差异化战略的战略联盟模式是当前适合我国养老地产业发展的重点所在。在具体操作过程中可以采取动态联盟运营的方式予以实现。这一方式的关键,在于基于合同或者协议组建的一个战略联盟,盟主负责整个养老地产项目的运营与控制,成员负责按照规定的标准进行具体的项目开发。直接购买和租赁的方式是该项目的主要的具体运营模式。这一模式的实施与推广,不仅能够贴合老年人差异化、多样化的养老需求,而且可以尽可能地分散与降低项目开发过程中的巨大风险,提高相关行业主体参与养老地产开发的积极性,从而推动我国养老地产业的持续健康发展。 上述战略模式的合理实现,离不开科学有效的对策与措施支持。本文认为,当前养老地产的顺利推进,需要在以下五个方面实现突破,即确立政府参与的发展方向、降低行业市场准入门槛、试点实行反向抵押贷款、完善产业发展优惠政策、建立健全监督约束机制。 当然,尽管本文针对我国养老地产业进行了战略分析与战略制定,但是战略实施的效果究竟如何,本文并没有涉及。缺少战略管理的“战略评价”过程,使得论文在整体安排上显得不尽完善。后续研究可以对“基于差异化战略的战略联盟模式”在全国范围内选择典型案例进行深度解析,归纳与总结实施过程中存在的经验与问题,并与其他发展战略、模式与绩效进行横向对比,补足本文缺失的评价性研究。从而进一步深化社会和学界对养老地产业目标模式、路径与对策的认识。
[Abstract]:After 30 years of reform and opening up to the outside world, China's economy has made considerable progress, and the problem of population aging has gradually surfaced. By the end of 2010, the number of the elderly aged 60 and above reached 167 million, accounting for 12.5% of the total population. The number of elderly aged 80 and above reached 18.99 million, accounting for 11.4% of the elderly population. The problem of aging is not solved well and will restrict the development of social economy. Starting from the real estate market, this paper studies the development strategy and policy suggestions of the old-age real estate, in order to help solve the increasingly serious pension problem, so that the superiority of socialism can be truly brought into play. To contribute to the realization of socialist modernization. Taking the aging problem of our country as the research background, based on the review of the development of the endowment real estate industry in China, this paper attempts to examine the strategic environment of China's pension real estate industry through the use of strategic management analysis tools such as PEST,SWOT. On the basis of summing up and drawing on the successful experience of the development of the endowment real estate industry in foreign countries, this paper puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions suitable for the development of the endowment real estate industry of our country, in the hope of finding a feasible solution to the increasingly serious pension problem in China. In addition, it also opens up a new way for the operation and development of traditional commercial real estate. The analysis of this paper shows that in the overall strategic thinking, the overall development strategy of the pension real estate industry can be considered first based on the SO strategy, on the basis of which we can make full use of their own strengths and external opportunities to meet the challenges and disadvantages. Realize the smooth transition from WO strategy and ST strategy to SO strategy. In the key strategic choice, the strategic alliance model based on the differentiation strategy is the key point of the development of the endowment real estate industry in our country at present. Dynamic alliance operation can be adopted in the specific operation process. The key of this way is a strategic alliance based on contract or agreement. The head of the alliance is responsible for the operation and control of the whole pension real estate project, and the member is responsible for the specific project development according to the prescribed standards. Direct purchase and leasing are the main operating modes of the project. The implementation and promotion of this model can not only meet the needs of the elderly, but also disperse and reduce the huge risks in the process of project development as far as possible. In order to promote the sustainable and healthy development of the pension real estate industry in China, we should improve the enthusiasm of the related industry to participate in the development of pension real estate. The rational realization of the above-mentioned strategic model can not be separated from scientific and effective countermeasures and measures. In this paper, the author believes that the smooth advancement of the current endowment real estate needs to achieve breakthroughs in the following five aspects: establishing the development direction of government participation, lowering the threshold of market access, carrying out reverse mortgage loans on a pilot basis, and perfecting preferential policies for industrial development. Establish and improve the supervision and restraint mechanism. Of course, although this article has carried on the strategic analysis and the strategy formulation to our country pension real estate industry, but the strategy implementation effect, this article has not dealt with. The lack of strategic evaluation of strategic management makes the overall arrangement of the paper appear imperfect. The follow-up study can analyze the typical cases of "strategic alliance model based on differentiation strategy" in the whole country, sum up and summarize the experience and problems in the process of implementation, and compare with other development strategies. The model and performance are compared horizontally to complement the lack of evaluation research in this paper. In order to further deepen the social and academic community on the pension real estate target model, path and countermeasures.


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