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发布时间:2019-01-18 21:28
【摘要】:新闻的基本功能是传播信息,也是社会生活的一面镜子,但是在有着多方利益相关下的新闻报道,不同的传播组织就会缔造出不同的传播声音,房地产新闻就是个典型的例子,房地产行业作为目前中国最重要的经济力量板块之一,它所产生出的新闻是值得大家去重新审视新闻背后的力量。 中国房地产产业近几年蓬勃发展,,城镇化进程速度加快,人民的住房条件也得到了很大的提高。但在房地产市场一片繁荣的背后,同时隐藏了一系列问题,居高不下的房价造成了畸形的房地产市场。为此,中央政府屡次出台政策进行宏观调控,保证房地产市场的健康发展,但在一系列调控政策的背景下,房地产市场还是出现泡沫经济房价虚高等难以控制的问题。调控政策如何解读、政策出台背后暗含的房地产开发商、地方政府、购房者三方的博弈等,这些信息是以怎样的表述方式传达到公众呢?房地产新闻报道的媒体倾向就是本文所研宄的方向。 本文重点讨论在房地产发展如此迅猛以及所带来的一系列问题下,国家宏观调控措施不断颁发以抑制房价高涨的背景下,作为大众媒体对房地产的报道有着什么样的立场倾向,是否担当起了媒体应有的社会责任,在此基础上本文并提出了合理的报道建议。本文采用内容分析、文本分析等方法对《广州日报》、《南方日报》、《羊城晚报》三家媒体关于房地产报道的内容进行研宄分析。首先从总体层面阐述整体房地产新闻报道的立场偏向,通过进一步研宄发现,三家集团的报纸在报纸不同定位的偏向是有所不同,机关党报更倾向引用官方消息来源,对于报道的内容更多从政府层面角度出发,具有商业化特征的市场化报纸则更倾向于开发商,以白领、中产为读者对象的报纸则是更偏向于普通消费者。此外,针对房地产新闻出现的问题也给予一定的分析。 文章最后针对目前房地产新闻报道的框架给予一定的建议,建议房地产新闻报道特别要在新闻专业主义上要下苦功夫,平衡消息来源,受众也要进一步提高媒介素养;传媒应以更合理的报道方式报道房地产新闻,充分发挥媒体的作用,提升应有的公信力。
[Abstract]:The basic function of news is to spread information and also a mirror of social life. However, when news reports have a multi-interest relationship, different communication organizations will create different communication sounds. Real estate news is a typical example. As one of the most important economic forces in China, the real estate industry produces news that deserves to be re-examined. China's real estate industry has been booming in recent years, the process of urbanization has been accelerated, the people's housing conditions have also been greatly improved. But behind the housing boom, a series of problems have been hidden. High house prices have created a deformed real estate market. For this reason, the central government has repeatedly issued policies to carry out macro-control to ensure the healthy development of the real estate market. However, under the background of a series of regulatory policies, the real estate market still has some difficult problems such as the bubble economy housing prices are inflated and so on. How to interpret the regulation policy, the real estate developers, local governments, buyers and so on, which are implied behind the policy, how to convey these information to the public? The media tendency of the real estate news report is the direction studied in this paper. This paper focuses on discussing what kind of position tendency of the real estate report as the mass media has under the background of the state macro-control measures being issued constantly to curb the rise of house prices under the background of the rapid development of real estate and a series of problems brought about by the rapid development of real estate. On the basis of the social responsibility of the media, this paper puts forward some reasonable suggestions. In this paper, the contents of real estate reports in Guangzhou Daily, Nanfang Daily and Yangcheng Evening News are studied and analyzed by means of content analysis and text analysis. First of all, from the overall level, the paper expounds the position bias of the overall real estate news report. Through further study, it is found that the bias of the newspapers of the three groups in the different positions of the newspapers is different, and the official sources are more likely to be cited in the official party newspapers. For the content of the report more from the perspective of the government, market-oriented newspapers with commercial characteristics are more inclined to developers, white-collar, middle-class readers of the newspaper is more inclined to ordinary consumers. In addition, the real estate news problems are also given a certain analysis. Finally, the article gives some suggestions on the frame of the current real estate news reports, and suggests that the real estate news reports should work hard on journalism professionalism, balance the sources of news, and further improve the media literacy. The media should report the real estate news in a more reasonable way, give full play to the role of the media and enhance its credibility.


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