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发布时间:2019-01-19 08:35
【摘要】:近十多年来,随着我国房地产市场高速发展,房价在不断上涨,城市改造不断升级,工业园区蓬勃发展,虽然皖北B市政府在违法建设治理方面竭尽所能地投入了相当多的人力物力,但是违法建设依然没有得到有效遏制。现阶段违法建设治理方面的问题,已经引起了社会的广泛关注。 治理城市违法建设的主要宗旨是为了能够更好地维护公共利益,因为违法建设会影响到城市的整体布局及利益主体,违法建设治理过程必定会损害一些个体的利益。本文详细地分析了当前皖北B市违法建设存在的问题、成因,同时还分析其它一些城市整治违法建设的经验与教训,以此来提出皖北B市的治理对策,具体对策是:首先是需要完善违法建设治理的行政机制,这包括建立科学的规划长效机制以及通过多种方式来论证规划建设前的可行性;其次是完善违法建设治理法律法规执行体系,这里包括明确违法建设的法律界定、建立违法建设治理的合法化机制以及建立和健全综合治理的公众参与机制;再次是创造违法建设治理的良好环境,这里包括了充分吸纳社会公众参与立法、扩大社会公众的知情权以及吸收非政府组织参与;最后是完善配套保障机制,这就需要兼顾好保护公共利益与管理效率和保障市民的基本生活需求。通过经济发展来全面推动文明素质等对上层建筑进行科学的提升,从而能够更好地激发市民改善城市生活环境的基本需求,也可以使他们主动地、自发地维护好城市的整体形象,为城市繁荣发展出谋划策。笔者坚持城市建设理论探索和实证研究相结合、对皖北B市现状分析与经济社会发展相结合的研究方法,不断探索创新,争取做到有论有据、通俗易懂,从而更好地勾勒出皖北B市关于违法建设治理思路的发展基本轨迹,试图找到违法建设的妥善处理方法,最终形成社会、集体以及个人三者间可以“多赢”的格局,做到尽可能地减少社会公共资源的浪费,保持皖北B市可以和谐稳定的发展,使城市违法建设的治理走上正规化法制化的道路,从而建设文明和谐的社会主义新城市。
[Abstract]:In the past decade or so, with the rapid development of the real estate market in China, housing prices have been rising, urban transformation has been continuously upgraded, and industrial parks have flourished. Although the Northern Anhui B Municipal Government has invested as much manpower and material resources as possible in illegal construction, the illegal construction has still not been effectively curbed. At this stage, the problem of illegal construction governance has aroused widespread concern of the society. The main purpose of controlling urban illegal construction is to better safeguard public interests, because illegal construction will affect the overall layout of the city and the interests of the main body, illegal construction will inevitably damage the interests of some individuals. This paper analyzes in detail the existing problems and causes of illegal construction in B City in Northern Anhui Province, and at the same time, analyzes the experiences and lessons of other cities' illegal construction, and then puts forward the countermeasures for the control of B City in Northern Anhui Province. The specific countermeasures are as follows: first, it is necessary to improve the administrative mechanism of illegal construction governance, which includes the establishment of a scientific long-term planning mechanism and the feasibility of demonstrating the feasibility before planning and construction in various ways; The second is to improve the implementation system of illegal construction governance laws and regulations, including clear legal definition of illegal construction, the establishment of legalized mechanism of illegal construction governance and the establishment and improvement of comprehensive governance of public participation mechanism; The third is to create a good environment for illegal construction governance, which includes the full participation of the public in legislation, the expansion of the public's right to know and the participation of non-governmental organizations; Finally, it is necessary to perfect the supporting safeguard mechanism, which needs to protect public interest and management efficiency and protect the basic living needs of citizens. Through economic development to comprehensively promote the quality of civilization and other scientific upgrading of the superstructure, so as to better stimulate the citizens to improve the basic needs of the urban living environment, but also enable them to take the initiative, Spontaneously maintain the overall image of the city, for the city's prosperity and development planning. The author adheres to the combination of theoretical and empirical research on urban construction, the research method of combining current situation analysis with economic and social development in B city of northern Anhui, and constantly exploring and innovating, in order to make the theory and evidence, simple and easy to understand. In order to better outline the basic track of the development of the idea of illegal construction governance in B city of Northern Anhui, try to find the proper treatment method of illegal construction, and finally form a pattern of "multi-win" among society, collective and individual. To reduce the waste of social public resources as much as possible, to maintain the harmonious and stable development of B city in northern Anhui, to make the administration of urban illegal construction on the road of regularization and legalization, and to build a new socialist city with harmonious civilization.


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