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发布时间:2019-01-20 20:00
【摘要】:在全球信息技术产业革命调整的今天,计算机网络信息化产业技术正以稳健、快速、优质的步伐蓬勃发展。近期以来,随着房产税改革措施在一线城市发力,各地房地产开发商反应不一,有的趁机涨价、有的降价促销,不少购房者则忙着过户。房产经济寒冬的到来,致使房地产市场观望气氛浓厚,大量房屋中介公司选择“瘦身”的方式,关闭现实中门店,转而加大对网络的投入,以便达到节约成本、合作互利的目的。为了实现房屋中介公司的管理,我们开发了房屋中介系统。本文根据房屋中介公司的实际工作需要,开发了房屋中介管理系统。系统是基于MICROSOFT.NET平台之上,采用ASP.NET编程语言开发的,采用SQL Server 2005数据库来存储系统中员工信息、客户信息、房源信息、求租信息和收费信息,采用了遗传算法技术和模糊查询方法相结合的方式处理系统中的查询操作,完成了用户信息管理模块、求租管理模块、出租管理模块和收费管理模块。其中对于求租管理模块和出租管理模块进行了重点研究。房屋中介管理系统的诞生,实现加强对房屋租凭过程的管理,提高了房产中介公司竞争力,为企业带来更多的经济效益。本系统的实现不仅为房产中介的管理带来了方便,还可以为推动国家整体信息化管理起到一定的作用。
[Abstract]:Today, with the adjustment of the global information technology industry revolution, the computer network information industry technology is booming at a steady, fast and high quality pace. Recently, with the reform of property tax in first-tier cities, local real estate developers have different reactions, some take the opportunity to raise prices, some lower prices to promote, many buyers are busy changing ownership. The arrival of the cold winter of the real estate economy has led to a strong wait-and-see atmosphere in the real estate market. A large number of housing intermediary companies have chosen the way of "downsizing", closing down stores in reality and increasing investment in the network in order to achieve cost savings. The aim of cooperation and mutual benefit. In order to achieve the management of housing intermediary companies, we developed a housing intermediary system. According to the actual work needs of the housing intermediary company, this paper develops the housing intermediary management system. The system is based on MICROSOFT.NET platform and developed with ASP.NET programming language. SQL Server 2005 database is used to store employee information, customer information, house source information, rent information and charge information in the system. This paper adopts the combination of genetic algorithm technology and fuzzy query method to deal with the query operation in the system, and completes the user information management module, rent management module, rental management module and charge management module. Among them, rent management module and rental management module are studied. The birth of the housing intermediary management system, the realization of strengthening the management of the housing rental process, improve the competitiveness of real estate intermediary companies, and bring more economic benefits for enterprises. The realization of this system not only brings convenience to the management of real estate intermediary, but also plays a certain role in promoting the whole information management of the country.


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6 于飒lL;房屋中介网系统的设计与实现[D];吉林大学;2011年




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