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发布时间:2019-01-25 21:05
【摘要】:随着我国经济三十年的迅猛发展,房地产行业也得到了突飞猛进的长足进展。与此同时,信息技术的快速发展,也已经渗透到社会的各行各业。房地产行业也经历了从传统手工作业到计算机信息自动化的过程。相比之下,在整个房地产管理自动化作业链中,房地产招投标管理环节仍然比较薄弱。因此,房地产招投标管理的信息化已经成为房地产企业的迫切需求。 本文主要论述了基于Spring+Struts2+Hibernate (SSH)架构的系统的实现方法和技术;阐明了对象关系映射(Object Relation Mapping, ORM)、MVC模式、控制反转(IoC)以及面向切面(AOP)的思想和方法;设计了C/S和B/S两种模式以满足系统不同的需要,以B/S为主体进行阐述,C/S部分简略介绍;最后阐述了基于该架构的房地产招投标管理系统的设计与实现,并对其实现过程中的关键技术进行了详细的讨论。 房地产招投标管理系统C/S部分包括项目信息管理模块、投标单位信息管理模块和模板管理模块三个模块,用于企业内部网络管理使用;B/S部分包括项目信息管理模块、投标单位信息管理模块、模板管理模块和项目信息远程查阅模块四个模块,涵盖了整个项目。整个系统基于轻量级的SSH架构,开发环境是Eclipse,后台数据库采用MySQL, Web服务器采用Tomcat。系统可扩展性强,耦合性弱。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of China's economy for 30 years, the real estate industry has also made great progress by leaps and bounds. At the same time, the rapid development of information technology, has also penetrated into various sectors of society. The real estate industry has also experienced the process from traditional manual work to computer information automation. In contrast, in the whole real estate management automation operation chain, the real estate bidding management link is still relatively weak. Therefore, the information of real estate bidding management has become the urgent need of real estate enterprises. This paper mainly discusses the implementation method and technology of the system based on Spring Struts2 Hibernate (SSH) architecture, expounds the ideas and methods of object relational mapping (Object Relation Mapping, ORM), MVC schema, inversion of control (IoC) and section-oriented (AOP). Two modes of C / S and B / S are designed to meet the different needs of the system, B / S as the main body of the elaboration, C / S part of the brief introduction; Finally, the design and implementation of the real estate bidding management system based on the architecture are described, and the key technologies in the implementation process are discussed in detail. The C / S part of the real estate bidding management system includes three modules: project information management module, bidding unit information management module and template management module, which are used in the enterprise internal network management. Part B / S includes four modules: project information management module, bidding unit information management module, template management module and project information remote access module, covering the whole project. The whole system is based on lightweight SSH architecture, and the development environment is Eclipse, backstage database using MySQL, Web server and Tomcat.. The system has strong expansibility and weak coupling.


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