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发布时间:2019-02-12 10:08
[Abstract]:Under the system of land lease, the value of land use right contained in the value of commercial housing assets is less than the intrinsic value of its assets, and decreases year by year with the decline of the years of assignment until the expiration of the term of transfer to zero. By analyzing the changing law of the value of land use right, this paper reveals that the value of commercial housing assets in the early stage deviates from its basic value under the action of economic factors. The running path and mechanism of the rapid depreciation until the expiration of the term, and the influence of the change of "surplus life equivalent" of the land use right on the property value of the commercial housing market are analyzed. It is found that the decline of land supply increment will accelerate the depreciation of commercial housing market assets; The empirical research based on inter-provincial panel data from 2003 to 2011 shows that the equilibrium price of commercial housing determined by economic fundamentals is not restricted by the remaining years of land use right, and there is a trend of rising from its asset value. This indicates that there are systemic risks in China's real estate market. This paper holds that the annual rent system can change the composition of the asset value of the land sold commercial house, restrain the irrational rising trend of the market price, and eliminate the systematic risk of the deviation between the market price and the asset value of the commercial housing market. At the same time to commodity housing assessment price as the base for the collection of real estate tax more legal basis.
【作者单位】: 浙江工商大学金融学院;


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