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发布时间:2019-03-01 16:17
【摘要】:随着越国房地产业的不断发展,近几年来各类房价格持续上涨、房地产企业投机行为频繁、房地产市场供求不合理、地下交易盛行等问题日渐增多,国家也不断出台各类政策调控房地产市场,但效果并不是很明显。同时,关于本国是否存在房地产泡沫的问题也一直是越南业内人士和专家学者争论的焦点。 本文以企业的角度,在相关性结论基础上,归纳了房地产泡沫的类型,分析了当前越南房地产市场泡沫现状,对越南房地产泡沫做了客观评价,得出越南房地产市场存在泡沫的结论。接下来文章对越南VinGroup集团进行SWOT分析,正确看待VinGroup集团的优势和劣势、机会和威胁,进一步研究VinGroup集团应对越南房地产市场泡沫的具体措施和对策。 措施和对策分析主要从这几个方面展开:VinGroup集团在思想上的武装。VinGroup集团管理层不定期召开对越南房地产市场的评估会议,并强调越南房地产泡沫对VinGroup集团及国内其他房地产企业的危害。要求做好应对房地产泡沫的准备;VinGroup集团对越南政府提出的政策性的建议。VinGroup集团凭借企业实力,深入各种社会调查,收集各类有关房地产泡沫测度的指标,针对市场上的某些问题,向政府提交调整政策议案;根据市场反馈,调整房产类型,以企业的最大能力调整越南房地产供需结构;VinGroup集团采取积极的措施,配合越南政府,抑制房地产市场的投机行为;VinGroup集团通过各种宣传、活动、回报客户等方法,为营造越南房地产良好的消费环境而努力;建立房地产泡沫预警体系,有备无患,实时掌握越南房地产业的整个动态;VinGroup集团发展多种产业经营,以雄厚的现金实力抗衡越南房地产泡沫。最后,对本文的研究工作进行总结。
[Abstract]:With the development of the real estate of the more and more countries, in recent years, various kinds of housing prices have continued to rise, the real estate enterprises' speculative behavior is frequent, the supply and demand of the real estate market are not reasonable, the prevalence of the underground transactions is increasing, and the state has continuously introduced various policies to regulate the real estate market, But the effect is not obvious. At the same time, the question of whether or not there is a real estate bubble in the country has been the focus of the debate between the industry of the Vietnamese and the experts and scholars. On the basis of the correlation conclusion, this paper summarizes the types of real estate bubble, analyzes the current situation of real estate bubble in Vietnam, and makes an objective evaluation of the real estate bubble in Vietnam, and draws a conclusion that there is a bubble in the real estate market of Vietnam. On the basis of the SWOT analysis of VinGroup Group in Vietnam, the paper puts forward the advantages and disadvantages, opportunities and threats of VinGroup Group, and further studies the concrete measures and countermeasures of VinGroup Group to deal with the bubble of the real estate market in Vietnam. The analysis of measures and countermeasures is mainly from these aspects: the VinGroup Group is ideologically The armed. VinGroup management held a time-to-time assessment meeting of the Vietnam real estate market, and stressed that Vietnam's real estate bubble has a strong interest in the VinGroup Group and other domestic real-estate enterprises The hazard of the real estate bubble is required; the VinGroup Group's policy to the Government of Vietnam It is suggested that VinGroup Group, with the strength of the enterprise, go through various social surveys, collect various indicators on the real estate bubble measure, and submit the adjustment policy bill to the government for some problems on the market, and adjust the house according to the market feedback The type of production is based on the maximum capacity of the enterprise to adjust the supply and demand structure of the real estate of Vietnam; the VinGroup Group takes positive measures to cooperate with the Government of Vietnam to restrain the speculation of the real estate market; and the VinGroup Group has adopted various publicity, activities and returns to the customers. In order to build a good consumer environment of Vietnam's real estate, and other methods, to build a real estate bubble early warning system, to have the whole dynamic of the real estate of Vietnam in real time, and the VinGroup Group to develop a variety of industrial operations, to counter the Vietnamese premises with strong cash strength Foam-producing. In the end, the study of this paper is carried out


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2 姜春海;;中国房地产市场投机泡沫实证分析[J];管理世界;2005年12期

3 易宪容;中国房地产市场泡沫存在与否之争[J];河南金融管理干部学院学报;2005年02期

4 王道勋;牛二敏;;浅析房地产泡沫的成因与危害[J];经济研究导刊;2013年26期

5 陈娟;;浅论房地产泡沫存在的原因及对策建议[J];现代经济信息;2010年13期

6 曹栋;;经济泡沫理论研究[J];中国证券期货;2010年08期

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1 周亮;中国房地产泡沫化评估研究[D];安徽工业大学;2013年

2 封世蓝;我国房地产市场泡沫探究[D];石河子大学;2013年




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