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发布时间:2019-03-14 13:01
【摘要】:房地产业的发展是社会发展的需要,高尔夫球场是社会经济发展的产物。自1984年,霍英东在中国开办第一家高尔夫俱乐部以来,现代高尔夫产业正式进入中国已经近30年,并一直保持着高速发展的势头。与此同时,房地产业也是近些年来成为我国国民经济发展的支柱产业之一。伴随着改革开放高速发展的经济,,高尔夫同地产顺势结合,成为高尔夫产业的重要赢利点、房地产业的高价值组成部分,反映了居民对于高品质生活的追求。伴随着我国快速发展的经济态势,高尔夫产业与房地产产业联合开发的项目也越来越多,而两者的相互作用和影响越来越引起关注,其中,对影响高尔夫地产市场价格因素的研究成为高尔夫和房地产学术界关注的焦点之一。 本研究采用国际通用的HPM(HedonicPriceModel)模型,对武汉地区3家高尔夫球场周边住宅市场的26个样本数据进行实证分析,建立了适用于武汉地区高尔夫住宅市场的HPM定价模型,分析了建筑面积、房龄、球场面积等13个特征变量对高尔夫住宅价格的影响。结果表明:(1)以武汉地区的高尔夫住宅市场作为研究对象,对26个样本数据进行整理和量化,并采用本研究建立的对数模型进行回归分析,最终得到13个特征变量的回归系数,由此建立了武汉地区高尔夫住宅特征价格模型(HPM):InP=7.286+0.051*In到高尔夫球场距离+0.09*In到主干道或快速路距离-0.229*In高尔夫球场面积+0.104*In建筑面积-0.092*In房龄-0.126*In容积率-1.077*In绿化率+0.312*In周边是否有学校+0.338*In周边是否有医院+0.008*In周边是否有超市+0.099*In朝向+0.125*In装修程度+0.386*In项目类型 经检验,模型基本满足残差的正态性假设和方差性假设,具有良好的拟合度和较有力的解释性,可以用来分析和解释住宅特征对住宅价格的影响。(2)房地产价格受多种因素影响,其中对房价影响较为显著的因子有住宅的装修程度、住宅项目类型、住宅所在小区的绿化率和高尔夫球场面积、住宅周边1km范围内是否有学校等教育设施、住宅与主干道或高速路的距离、住宅所在小区的容积率。(3)高尔夫因素不是武汉地区高尔夫球场附近房地产价格的主要决定因素。高尔夫球场周边的房地产项目在其特征价格的构成上同其他中高档住宅的差异并不显著,消费者在这一市场上的选择过程中虽然对高尔夫因素有所考虑,但更主要的还是从居住条件、居住环境和居住配套设施等传统角度进行考量和估价,呈现出一种较明显的满足居住需求的消费导向。
[Abstract]:The development of real estate is the need of social development, golf course is the product of socio-economic development. Since 1984, when Huo Yingdong opened his first golf club in China, the modern golf industry has officially entered China for nearly 30 years, and has maintained the momentum of high-speed development. At the same time, the real estate industry has become one of the pillar industries of our national economic development in recent years. With the rapid development of the economy of reform and opening up, golf and real estate become the important profit point of golf industry. The high-value part of real estate industry reflects the pursuit of high-quality life of residents. With the rapid development of China's economic situation, golf industry and real estate industry joint development projects are also more and more, and the interaction and impact of the two more and more attention, among them, The research on the factors affecting the price of golf real estate market has become one of the focuses of golf and real estate academia. In this study, the HPM (HedonicPriceModel) model is used to analyze 26 samples of housing market around 3 golf courses in Wuhan area, and the HPM pricing model is established for the golf housing market in Wuhan area, which is suitable for the golf housing market in Wuhan area. This paper analyzes the influence of 13 characteristic variables, such as building area, housing age and course area, on the price of golf housing. The results are as follows: (1) taking the golf housing market in Wuhan area as the research object, 26 sample data were sorted out and quantified, and the regression analysis was carried out by using the logarithmic model established in this study. Finally, the regression coefficients of 13 characteristic variables are obtained. Based on this, the characteristic price model of golf housing in Wuhan area is established. The distance from (HPM): InP=7.286 0.051*In to golf course is from 0.09*In to 0.09*In or to the distance of expressway-0.229*In golf course area is 0. 104*In Building area-0.092*In Age-0.126*In Volume rate-1.077*In Greening rate-whether there is a school around 0.338*In, there is a hospital around 0.008*In, there is a supermarket 0 .099 * In toward 0.125*In Decoration degree 0.386*In project type verified, The model can be used to analyze and explain the influence of housing characteristics on housing price. (2) the real estate price is affected by many factors, and the model can be used to analyze and explain the influence of housing characteristics on housing price. (2) the model satisfies the assumption of normality and variance of residuals, and has good fit degree and strong explanation. The factors that affect the housing price significantly include the degree of housing decoration, the type of housing project, the green rate and golf course area of the residential district, and whether there are schools and other educational facilities in the area of 1km around the house. (3) the golf factor is not the main determinant of the real estate price near the golf course in Wuhan. Real estate projects around the golf course do not differ significantly from other medium-and high-end housing in the composition of their characteristic prices. Although consumers have taken into account golf factors in the process of choosing in this market, But it is more important to consider and evaluate it from the traditional point of view such as living condition, living environment and living facilities, which shows a kind of obvious consumption orientation to satisfy the living demand.


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