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发布时间:2019-03-16 20:07
【摘要】:伴随着21世纪的快速发展以及中国加入世贸组织以来,我国物业管理的市场化进程逐步加快,物业管理逐步地成为我们现代化城市管理以及房地产经营管理当中非常重要的组成部分。我国的物业管理相对来说起步还是比较晚的,因而存在诸多问题,物业管理公司如果想要更好的生存与发展下去,就一定要对那些困扰物业管理行业发展的问题进行分析和研究,找出对策,以此来不断推进物业公司向着更高的层次快速发展。 本论文主要是针对我国当前物业管理普遍存在的一些问题,,分析了国内物业管理的一些现状。在研究的过程中,借鉴工程量清单计价方法的一些成功经验,在北京市《住宅物业服务标准》的基础上,建立一个服务量清单计价模式,从而对物业管理成本费用进行确定。 通过对一个具体项目的案例分析,初步验证了服务量清单计价模式的可行性,针对物业服务中绿化养护、环境卫生以及公共秩序维护这三个项目管理费用的计算,确定了各项服务的综合单价,建立一个服务量清单计价表。运用服务量清单计价的模式把物业企业的服务不断量化,物业公司可以根据不同服务标准的要求,制定出公司自己的基于物业服务量清单计价模式的物业管理综合单价,形成企业基于服务量的内部定额。在报价时,物业公司可根据业主对服务标准的相应需求,编制最终的物业管理费用报价。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of the 21st century and China's accession to the World Trade Organization, the market-oriented process of property management in China has gradually accelerated. Property management has gradually become a very important part of our modern city management and real estate management. The property management in our country starts relatively late, so there are many problems. If the property management company wants to survive and develop better, We must analyze and study the problems that perplex the development of the property management industry, find out the countermeasures, so as to promote the rapid development of the property companies to a higher level. This paper mainly aims at some common problems of property management in our country, and analyzes the present situation of property management in our country. In the course of the research, based on the successful experience of the valuation method of the bill of quantities, and on the basis of Beijing Residential property Service Standard, a valuation mode of the list of service quantities is established to determine the cost of property management. Through the case analysis of a specific project, the feasibility of the pricing mode of the list of service quantities is preliminarily verified, and the calculation of the management expenses of the three projects, namely, greening maintenance, environmental hygiene and public order maintenance in property service, is carried out. The comprehensive unit price of each service is determined and a list of service quantities is established. According to the requirements of different service standards, the property company can formulate its own property management integrated unit price based on the property service list pricing mode, using the service list pricing model to continuously quantify the services of the property enterprises, and the property companies can make the property management comprehensive unit price based on the property service inventory pricing mode according to different service standards. Form the internal quota of enterprise based on service quantity. When quoting, the property company can prepare the final property management cost quotation according to the corresponding demand of the owner for the service standard.


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