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发布时间:2019-03-24 19:08
【摘要】:我国土地市场包括两个层面的内容,土地一级开发市场和土地二级开发市场。土地一级开发市场是土地进入市场前的准备工作,直接影响到地价的高低,进而影响到二级房地产市场。土地一级开发的各类问题中,最急迫最重要的问题是如何进行利益分配的问题。因此研究土地一级开发,解决其利益分配问题,对保障土地一级市场的顺利进行,推进房地产市场的健康发展均具有重要意义。 由于土地一级开发本身的复杂性特点,本文首先梳理了土地一级开发的概念及模式,清晰解释了其本质和结构。并进一步探讨现存土地一级开发的利益分配问题,发现目前土地一级开发利益分配主要存在以下问题:①各地标准差异大;②部分地方一级开发利润率偏低;③地方性政策变动频繁;④对原土地使用者的利益关注很少。这些问题都严重制约着土地一级开发市场的发展。 针对上述问题,本文以“利益”作为切入点,利用公司治理中已经较为成熟的利益相关者理论,对土地一级开发过程中的利益相关者进行界定、分类,,并重点探讨了核心利益相关者的利益要求、利益冲突及利益协调的必要性,为后续利益分配做铺垫。 在上述分析的基础上,首先分析土地一级开发过程中利益相关者的动态策略集,研究政府、原土地使用者及土地一级开发企业之间相互关系,并对土地一级开发过程中的利益做出进一步界定。接着以利益分配原则为前提,根据Shapely值利益分配原理构建土地一级开发中利益分配模型,并根据投入、承担风险大小、收益形式等因素,结合理想点原理对Shapely值进行修正,得到公平有效的利益分配方案。结合四川省***项目土地一级开发的实例运用模型进行模拟利益分配,分析结果认为模型具备有效性及可操作性。 利益分配方案的顺利实施需要有效的利益协调机制及其他利益相关者的共同参与作为保障。因此本文在建立土地一级开发项目核心利益相关者利益分配方案的基础上,进一步从制度层面制定土地一级开发的利益协调机制作为补充保障。
[Abstract]:China's land market includes two levels of content, land first-level development market and land secondary development market. The primary development market of land is the preparation work before land enters the market, which directly affects the level of land price, and then affects the secondary real estate market. Among all kinds of problems of land development, the most urgent and important one is how to distribute benefits. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the first-level development of land and solve the problem of its benefit distribution, to ensure the smooth progress of the first-class market of land and to promote the healthy development of the real estate market. Due to the complexity of land first-level development, this paper firstly combs the concept and mode of land-first-level development, and explains its essence and structure clearly. At present, it is found that there are mainly the following problems in the distribution of interest in the development of land at present: (1) there are great differences in the local standards; (2) the profit margin of the development at the local level is low; (3) Local policy changes frequently; (4) little attention is paid to the interests of original land users. These problems are seriously restricting the development of the first-level development market of land. In view of the above problems, this paper takes "benefit" as the starting point, and uses the mature stakeholder theory in corporate governance to define and classify the stakeholders in the process of land first-level development. It also discusses the interest requirement of the core stakeholders, the necessity of the conflict of interests and the coordination of interests, and lays the groundwork for the subsequent distribution of interests. On the basis of the above analysis, this paper first analyzes the dynamic strategy set of stakeholders in the process of land first-level development, and studies the relationship among the government, the original land users and the land-level development enterprises. And to make a further definition of the interests in the process of first-level development of land. Then on the premise of the principle of benefit distribution, according to the principle of benefit distribution of Shapelli value, the model of benefit distribution in the first-level development of land is constructed, and according to the factors such as input, risk bearing, income form and so on, the Shapelli value is revised according to the principle of ideal point. Get a fair and effective distribution of benefits. Based on the example of the first-class land development in Sichuan Province, the model is used to simulate the benefit allocation. The results show that the model is effective and feasible. The successful implementation of the benefit allocation scheme requires effective benefit coordination mechanism and the participation of other stakeholders as a guarantee. Therefore, on the basis of establishing the benefit allocation scheme for the core stakeholders of the land-level development project, the interest coordination mechanism of the land-level development is further worked out from the institutional level as a supplementary guarantee.


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