[Abstract]:The reform of the property tax in the present stage of our country is due to the administrative pilot path, its legitimacy is flawed, and the practice has also raised a lot of disputes, which is not in line with the modern national governance concept. The Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) was to deploy the "Speeding up the legislation of real estate tax and promoting the reform in due time" and put forward the "implement the principle of tax law" for the first time, showing that the future property tax reform should be promoted in a way that the National People's Congress enacted the Law on Property Tax. The reform of legislation and reform is a benign interaction, and the reform must be carried out within the framework of the rule of law, and the legislation can also strengthen the scientific and the legitimacy of the reform. The process of promoting the reform of the tax system should be the process of implementing the legal principle of the tax, while the reform of the property tax is the most necessary and the most suitable for the legislation, and is expected to become a breakthrough. In the process of the legislative process of the property tax, the relationship between the legislation and the administration, the state and the taxpayer, the center and the local government should be balanced, the system of the people's congress is promoted to keep pace with the times, and the reform can be smoothly promoted under the guarantee of the rule of law.
【作者单位】: 北京大学法学院;
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