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发布时间:2019-03-31 01:08
【摘要】:建筑业一直是国民经济重要的支柱产业,自从住房制度改革之后,大量商品房涌入市场,房地产市场空前繁荣。随着社会经济的发展,人们的居家消费理念也发生了很大的变化——向康居型发展,对居住建筑的品质要求越来越高。另外,自然灾害的频发,极易对住宅工程造成大的破坏性,这对住宅工程自身的质量提出了更高的要求和挑战。 本文通过文献研究法对相关的文献资料进行学习和总结,分析出当前住宅工程质量管理的理论研究进展和实际管理现状。运用专家访谈法,深入企业进行调研,走访专家,剖析住宅工程质量管理的影响因素。运用灰色关联分析方法对影响因素进行关联程度分析,构建住宅工程质量管理保障体系一体化模式。通过归纳、分析与推理的方法,理论知识和实践经验并用,结合IS09001:2008标准,对住宅工程施工质量标准化管理进行研究,创建标准化管理的组织机构和工作分解结构(WBS)、标准化管理方法、标准化管理流程。引用案例进行分析,对质量标准化管理在住宅工程中推广应用的可行性进行验证。 住宅工程质量的优劣一方面关系到工程自身的价值体现,另一方面关系到企业的生存和人民生命财产的安全。因此,加强工程质量管理有着重要的现实意义。通过本文的研究,能为新形式下工程建设质量管理提供更具有现实可操作性的管理理念——住宅工程质量标准化管理,为住宅工程质量标准化管理在实践中的应用起到推动作用,实现质量管理的创新。
[Abstract]:Construction industry has always been an important pillar industry of national economy. Since the reform of housing system, a large number of commercial houses have flooded into the market, and the real estate market has never been more prosperous. With the development of social economy, people's consumption concept of home has also changed greatly-to the development of condominium, the quality of residential buildings is more and more demanding. In addition, the frequent occurrence of natural disasters is easy to cause great damage to residential projects, which puts forward higher requirements and challenges to the quality of residential projects themselves. This paper studies and summarizes the relevant literature materials by means of literature research, and analyzes the current theoretical research progress and actual management status of housing engineering quality management. Using the method of expert interview, we go deep into the research of the enterprise, interview the experts, and analyze the influencing factors of the quality management of the housing project. The grey relational analysis method is used to analyze the correlation degree of the influencing factors and to construct the integrated mode of housing engineering quality management and guarantee system. Through induction, analysis and reasoning method, theoretical knowledge and practical experience, combined with IS09001:2008 standard, the construction quality standardization management of residential engineering is studied, and the organization structure and work decomposition structure of standardization management are established. (WBS), Standardized management method, standardized management process. The feasibility of popularizing and applying quality standardization management in residential engineering is verified by case analysis. On the one hand, the quality of housing project is related to the value of the project itself, on the other hand, it is related to the survival of enterprises and the safety of people's life and property. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to strengthen engineering quality management. Through the research of this paper, it can provide a more practical and operational management idea for the construction quality management under the new form-the standardized management of residential engineering quality. It can promote the application of standardized management of residential engineering quality in practice and realize the innovation of quality management.


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