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发布时间:2019-05-03 19:35
【摘要】:国家为解决城市在快速发展过程中部分中低收入人群的住房困难问题,于2010年制定并对外发布了《加快发展公共租赁住房的指导意见》。要求全国各城市要加快发展和建设公共租赁住房,解决城市中“夹心层”的住房困难问题。太原市公共租赁住房的建设发展都处在一个刚起步的阶段,许多的制度和政策还不完善。本文以太原市公共租赁住房的租金价格为研究对象,目的是为太原市公用租赁住房的租金定价提供一套合理的定价方法,使太原市的公共租赁住房持续健康的发展。 文章通过总结对比分析国内外先进国家和发达地区的公共租赁住房租金定价经验,结合相关理论进行简要分析。再通过多方面的分析太原市公共租赁住房的建设现状以及目前使用的租金定价方法,认为存在一些问题和不足。然后通过一些研究报告,统计年鉴和各统计部门的相关网站房屋管理等政府部门的公示信息,进行统计、分析和甄选。采用目前国内外最常用的三种租金定价方法,以太原市公共租赁住房已经竣工的三个项目为研究对象,对三个项目的成本租金,以及周边市场类似住房的市场租金作统计计算,最后再根据城市中低收入人群的个人可支付能力确定太原市公共租赁住房的租金定价方法。 笔者认为,公共租赁住房的租金定价首先要考虑承租人的个人可支付能力,,因为公用租赁住房就是用来解决“夹心层”住房困难问题的,所以首先要保证的就是租金价格应该在“夹心层”的可承受范围以内;其次,公共租赁住房在考虑承租人的个人可支付能力时,可以实施差别定价的方法,根据公共租赁住房的楼层、朝向、地理位置和空间布局的不同进行差别定价,因为“夹心层”人群的收入水平也是有很大的差距的,这样就可以满足不同人群的不同需要;第三,公共租赁住房在租金定价时要考虑周边市场的租金价格,公共租赁住房作为保障性住房就要体现出它的保障性,如果不能体现出与周边市场租金定价的优势那也就失去了保障性的本质;最后,公共租赁住房要想能够持久长远的发展,就要考虑公用租赁住房的建设成本,这就需要国家政府在实施租金定价时要有相应的补贴政策,保证公共租赁住房的“保本微利”,才能保证公共租赁住房的持续健康发展,并且可以吸引更多的房地产商建设开发公共租赁住房。 因此本文从成本法、市场法以及城镇居民的个人可支配收入水平等方面进行分析,同时结合太原市的实际情况进行了测算,并对测算结果进行阐释。在此基础上提出一些建议和具体的操作方法。
[Abstract]:In order to solve the housing difficulties of some low-and middle-income people in the rapid development of cities, the State formulated and published the guidance on speeding up the Development of Public Rental Housing in 2010. All cities in the country should speed up the development and construction of public rental housing, and solve the housing difficulties of "sandwich layer" in cities. The construction and development of public rental housing in Taiyuan is in a new stage, and many systems and policies are not perfect. The purpose of this paper is to provide a set of reasonable pricing methods for the rental price of public rental housing in Taiyuan, so as to make the public rental housing in Taiyuan develop continuously and healthily. By summarizing and comparing the experience of public rental housing rental pricing in advanced countries and developed areas at home and abroad, this paper makes a brief analysis based on the relevant theories. Through the analysis of the construction status of public rental housing in Taiyuan and the current rent pricing methods, it is considered that there are some problems and deficiencies in the construction of public rental housing in Taiyuan. Then through some research reports, statistical yearbooks and relevant websites of statistical departments, such as public information of government departments such as housing management, statistics, analysis and selection. Using the three most commonly used rental pricing methods at home and abroad at present, taking three completed projects of public rental housing in Taiyuan as the research object, the cost rent of three projects and the market rent of similar houses in the surrounding market are statistically calculated. Finally, the rental pricing method of public rental housing in Taiyuan is determined according to the individual affordability of low-and middle-income people in the city. The author believes that the rental pricing of public rental housing should first consider the individual affordability of the lessee, because the public rental housing is used to solve the difficult problem of housing in the "sandwich layer". Therefore, the first thing to ensure is that the rent price should be in the "sandwich layer" within the affordable range; Secondly, public rental housing, when considering the individual affordability of the lessee, may apply a differential pricing method that differentiates pricing according to the floor, orientation, geographical location and spatial layout of the public rental housing. Because "sandwich layer" group's income level also has the very big difference, this can satisfy the different crowd's different needs; Third, the rental price of public rental housing should be considered in the surrounding market, and public rental housing should reflect its security as a guaranteed housing. If it can not reflect the advantages of rent pricing with the surrounding market, it will lose the essence of security; Finally, if public rental housing is to develop for a long time, it is necessary to consider the construction cost of public rental housing, which requires the national government to have corresponding subsidy policies when implementing rent pricing. In order to ensure the sustainable and healthy development of public rental housing, it can attract more real estate developers to build and develop public rental housing. Therefore, this paper analyzes the cost method, the market method and the level of personal disposable income of the urban residents. At the same time, it calculates the actual situation of Taiyuan and explains the results of the calculation. On this basis, some suggestions and specific methods of operation are put forward.


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