[Abstract]:This paper first reviews the relationship between banks and enterprises, the relevant literature and theory of cash holding, on this basis, from four angles: different monetary policy background, industry differences, regional differences in the degree of marketization of the financial industry and differences in the nature of ownership. By means of mathematical derivation and rigorous logical analysis, a series of theoretical hypotheses are put forward. Finally, this paper makes an empirical test of these research assumptions by using the data of A-share listed companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets from 2001 to 2011, and draws the following conclusions. In different monetary policy backgrounds, the relationship between bank-enterprise relationship and corporate cash holdings varies from industry to industry. In the period of monetary policy tightening, as far as the listed companies in the real estate industry are concerned, there is a significant positive correlation between the relationship between banks and enterprises and cash holdings. The relationship between banks and enterprises in the sample group of manufacturing listed companies and all listed companies was negatively correlated with cash holdings. In the period of loose money supply, as far as listed companies in real estate industry are concerned, there is a significant negative correlation between bank-enterprise relationship and their cash holdings, while the sample group of manufacturing listed companies and all listed companies is still significantly negatively correlated. From the point of view of the degree of marketization of the financial industry, there are also differences between the regions with high degree of marketization and those with low degree of marketization. Specifically, in the areas with high degree of marketization of the financial industry, there is a significant negative correlation between the relationship between banks and enterprises and the cash holdings of enterprises, while in the areas where the degree of marketization of the financial industry is low, the relationship between banks and enterprises and the cash holdings of enterprises is not significant. From the perspective of the nature of ownership, there is no difference between state-owned enterprises and private enterprises. That is, whether it is state-owned enterprises or private enterprises, the relationship between banks and enterprises has a significant negative correlation with their cash holdings. In addition, the research of this paper also shows that compared with other cash holding theories, the financing order theory of cash holding is more explanatory in our country.
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