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发布时间:2019-05-16 03:03
【摘要】:A公司为一家集房地产开发和物业管理为一体的大型房地产集团,由于发展迅速,其招标评标管理体制明显落后。招评标管理存在较多的问题,主要体现在⑴评标体系不科学⑵管理体制落后,工作效率低⑶权力标、关系标过多⑷可利用的资源较少。 针对以上现象,,作者根据对国内外相关文献以及相关招标评标体制的研究与分析,并根据A的实际情况,提出了对招标管理模式和评标体系的改进措施。 一是借鉴先进的招标管理模式,对A公司的管理模式进行改进,提出每次招标都建立临时的招标小组,全权对招标工作负责,给评标工作制造一个相对的不受权力、关系干扰的环境,使评标委员会成员能够安心进行评标工作。 二是对层次分析法和全生命周期成本理念进行分析和研究。在评标指标因素的权重确定时,将层次分析法作为权重分配的主要方法,并举例进行了演示。在评标价格的评定上,尽量用全生命周期费用代替投标价进行评定,并举例进行了对比演示。 三是A公司建立内部生产厂商资源库、评标专家库、设备材料评标指标因素权重数据库,以及标书模板数据库,这样工作人员在选择上有足够的资源数据,不仅能提高工作效率,也能提高数据的准确性。 如今,一部分改进的管理模式正在实施当中,已经初见成效。
[Abstract]:Company A is a large real estate group which integrates real estate development and property management. Because of its rapid development, its bidding and bid evaluation management system is obviously backward. There are many problems in bid evaluation management, which are mainly reflected in the fact that the bid evaluation system is not scientific and 2 the management system is backward, the work efficiency is low, and the resources available are less when the relationship standard is too much. In view of the above phenomena, according to the research and analysis of the relevant literature at home and abroad and the relevant bidding evaluation system, and according to the actual situation of A, the author puts forward the improvement measures of the bidding management mode and the bid evaluation system. First, draw lessons from the advanced bidding management mode, improve the management mode of Company A, propose to set up a temporary bidding group for each tender, take full responsibility for the bidding work, and create a relative disobedience to the bid evaluation work. The relationship interferes with the environment, so that the members of the bid evaluation committee can carry out the bid evaluation work at ease. The second is to analyze and study the concept of analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and the whole life cycle cost. When the weight of bid evaluation index factors is determined, the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is used as the main method of weight distribution, and an example is given to demonstrate it. In the evaluation of bid evaluation price, the whole life cycle cost is used instead of bidding price to evaluate, and an example is given to demonstrate the bid price. Third, Company A establishes the resource database of internal manufacturers, the expert database of bid evaluation, the weight database of equipment and material evaluation index factors, and the database of bid template, so that the staff have enough resource data in their choice. It can not only improve the work efficiency, but also improve the accuracy of the data. Now, some of the improved management model is being implemented, has achieved initial results.


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1 叶志军;建设工程设备招标评标系统研究[D];浙江大学;2004年




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