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发布时间:2019-05-21 15:57
【摘要】:Esterlin在1974提出了一个关于生活幸福水平的伊斯特林悖论,该悖论指出在一个给定的国家,高收入人群可能会更幸福;但在国际比较中,平均的幸福水平并未随着个人收入的变化而变化。类似的,在1946年到1970年的美国,尽管个人收入水平稳步增长,但是平均的幸福水平并没有显示出长期的增长趋势甚至在1960年到1970年间有所下降。这种有悖于常理的现象引起了学术界的广泛关注。 本文就是从伊斯特林悖论这个角度切入,将其在生活幸福水平这一维度的结论延伸至住房满意度。因为生活满意度几乎等同于生活幸福水平,而住房满意度是生活满意度的一个重要方面,Harris等(1979)的研究表明,住房满意度成为了美国人生活满意度中最重要的领域。故本文主要研究英国住房满意度随着个人收入等条件的改善是否存在正向的变化。本文首先探讨了住房满意度的概念,回顾了国内外有关于住房满意度的决定因子和研究方法方面的文献,,并着重考虑社会比较这一概念对住房满意度的影响。本文融入了行为经济学中参考点的概念,即每个居民在决定自己的住房满意度时都有一个与之相对应的参考组,这些参考组是基于居民的社会经济状态、年龄、教育水平和居住区域来设定的。 本文利用1997-2009年英国住房面板调查数据,采用有序Logit模型研究社会比较对居民住房满意度的影响。研究发现,居民参照组的住房属性对于研究住房满意度非常重要,应该包含在居民住房效用函数之中。此外,本文提出了一种定义个体参照组(与之比较的群体)的新方法;结果表明基于新方法构造的社会比较变量均在统计意义上显著,并支持文章的假设,即住房满意度是一个零和博弈——所有人的住房条件的改善,不会提高其中任何一个人的住房满意度。这个结果有助于解释以下现象:“在过去十几年,尽管英国的一般住房条件有了一定的改善,但英国居民的平均住房满意度一直维持不变”。本文认为改善所有人的住房条件不会提升任何一个人的住房满意度。
[Abstract]:In 1974, Esterlin proposed an Eastlin paradox about the level of happiness in life, which points out that in a given country, high-income people may be happier; But in international comparisons, the average level of happiness does not change with personal income. Similarly, in the United States from 1946 to 1970, although personal income levels rose steadily, the average level of happiness did not show a long-term growth trend or even a decline between 1960 and 1970. This phenomenon, which is contrary to common sense, has aroused widespread concern in academic circles. From the perspective of Eastlin paradox, this paper extends its conclusion in the dimension of living happiness to housing satisfaction. Because life satisfaction is almost equal to the level of life happiness, and housing satisfaction is an important aspect of life satisfaction. Harris et al. (1979) show that housing satisfaction has become the most important area of American life satisfaction. Therefore, this paper mainly studies whether there are positive changes in housing satisfaction with the improvement of personal income and other conditions. This paper first discusses the concept of housing satisfaction, reviews the literature on the decisive factors and research methods of housing satisfaction at home and abroad, and focuses on the impact of the concept of social comparison on housing satisfaction. This paper integrates the concept of reference point in behavioral economics, that is, each resident has a corresponding reference group when deciding his or her housing satisfaction. These reference groups are based on the socio-economic state and age of the residents. The level of education and the area of residence are set. Based on the survey data of British housing panel from 1997 to 2009, this paper uses the ordered Logit model to study the influence of social comparison on residents' housing satisfaction. It is found that the housing attributes of the resident reference group are very important for the study of housing satisfaction and should be included in the housing utility function. In addition, a new method for defining individual reference groups (groups compared with them) is proposed in this paper. The results show that the social comparative variables based on the new method are statistically significant, and support the assumption that housing satisfaction is a zero-sum game-the improvement of housing conditions for all. It will not improve the housing satisfaction of any one of them. The results help explain the following: "in the past decade or so, despite some improvement in general housing conditions in the UK, the average housing satisfaction of British residents has remained unchanged." This paper argues that improving the housing conditions of all people will not improve the housing satisfaction of anyone.


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