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发布时间:2019-05-30 06:35
【摘要】:美国钢铁大王卡耐基先生曾说过一句很有名的话:“将我所有的工厂、设备、市场、资金全部拿去,但只要保留我组织中的人,4年以后,我将仍是一个钢铁大王”。由此可见人力资源在一个企业发展中的作用是非常重要的。在传统经济逐步为新兴的知识经济所取代的今天,人力资源的重要性就显得更加突出了,重视人力资源的开发与建设变得尤为重要和紧迫。同时对人力资源的管理也提出了新的、更高的要求。目前在我们国家,仍然有许多公司的管理模式处在旧的、落后的方式下,对人的管理还是停留在以前的人事管理阶段中。怎样才能把人当作活的资源加以开发和利用,怎样才能真正调动起人的工作积极性与主观能动性,从而达到充分挖掘人的内在潜力,是现代人力资源管理的重要任务,也是企业管理者需要承担的重要职责之一。 房地产行业具有专业性强、地域差异性大、投资额高、易受政策影响、风险高及工作关系复杂等特点,是资金密集性及人才密集型行业。自2010年以来,针对房地产行业,,国家相继出台了“国十一条”、“新国十条”、“新国八条”及“新国五条”等一系列的一轮严于一轮的调控政策,使房地产行业进入了紧缩期及精细化管理时代;同时,房地产行业的竞争也转入到了人才的竞争。本文以作者所在企业为研究对象,通过分析ZH地产公司组织结构、工作分析与岗位评价、绩效管理及人力资源培训与开发等人力资源管理现状,对比标杆房企在这些方面的成熟管理经验,运用现代人力资源管理的先进理念、管理方法和工具提出ZH地产公司人力资源管理的优化方案及建议。本文分为五个部分:第一章为绪论,主要介绍问题的提出及研究的意义、选题背景、研究的方法、研究综述等内容;第二章为ZH地产公司介绍及面临的竞争环境分析;第三章为ZH地产公司人力资源管理现状介绍;第四章为ZH地产公司人力资源管理优化方案研究;第五章为优化方案的评估及结语,主要分析优化方案执行过程中可能会遇到的困难、风险,方案本身可能存在的不足或缺陷以及后续跟踪评估措施。
[Abstract]:Mr. Carnegie, the American steel king, once said a famous saying: "take all my factories, equipment, markets, and funds, but as long as I keep the people in my organization, I will still be a steel king in four years' time." Thus it can be seen that the role of human resources in the development of an enterprise is very important. Nowadays, the traditional economy is gradually replaced by the new knowledge economy, the importance of human resources is more prominent, and it is particularly important and urgent to attach importance to the development and construction of human resources. At the same time, the management of human resources also put forward new and higher requirements. At present, there are still many companies in our country, there are still many companies in the old, backward way, the management of people is still in the previous stage of personnel management. How to develop and utilize people as living resources, how to really mobilize people's enthusiasm and subjective initiative, so as to fully tap the internal potential of human beings, is an important task of modern human resources management. It is also one of the important responsibilities that enterprise managers need to undertake. The real estate industry has the characteristics of strong professionalism, large regional differences, high investment, vulnerable to policy influence, high risk and complex working relationship. It is a capital-intensive and talent-intensive industry. Since 2010, for the real estate industry, the state has issued a series of strict regulation and control policies, such as "National 11," New Ten, "New eight," and "New five." So that the real estate industry has entered a period of contraction and fine management era; At the same time, the competition in the real estate industry has also turned to the competition for talents. This paper takes the author's enterprise as the research object, and analyzes the present situation of human resource management, such as ZH real estate company organizational structure, job analysis and post evaluation, performance management, human resource training and development, etc. Compared with the mature management experience of benchmarking real estate enterprises in these aspects, this paper puts forward the optimization scheme and suggestions of human resource management of ZH real estate company by using the advanced ideas, management methods and tools of modern human resource management. This paper is divided into five parts: the first chapter is the introduction, which mainly introduces the significance of the problem and the significance of the research, the background of the topic, the research methods, the research review and so on. The second chapter is the introduction of ZH real estate company and the analysis of the competitive environment it faces. The third chapter is the introduction of the current situation of human resource management in ZH real estate company, the fourth chapter is the research on the optimization scheme of human resource management in ZH real estate company. The fifth chapter is the evaluation and conclusion of the optimization scheme, which mainly analyzes the difficulties, risks, shortcomings or defects of the scheme itself and the follow-up evaluation measures.


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