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发布时间:2019-06-24 15:14
【摘要】:税收负担与国家的经济增长和企业发展紧密相关,企业作为我国税收收入的主要提供者,其实际税负也成为国计民生最关注、最敏感的问题。近几年来,作为我国三大支柱产业之一的房地产行业在快速发展和壮大,它在国民经济中也发挥着重要作用,房地产行业能否健康、稳定的持续发展也就成了一个热门话题,它不仅影响着国民经济的发展,同时也影响着城市建设的发展。由此税收政策的制定者与研究者也开始倍加关注房地产行业实际税负水平。 然而近几年房价的持续上升,房地产市场极度容易诱发泡沫,这时需要政府在市场机制得到充分发挥的前提下,对房地产市场采取适当的经济手段来控制与规范,而最直接有效的调节措施之一便是税收政策的有力执行。但是我国政府税收调控政策大多只注重了操作的方便性,对有效性方面关注甚少。在政府调控后,房地产企业的发展趋势,其行业的实际税负水平以及影响房地产企业税负的因素,这一切都需要根据税收经济学的基本理论,采用合理的方法来评估房地产行业的税负水平,从而找出房地产税制中存在的问题,提出建议,确保房地产行业能够稳定持续的发展。目前学者针对我国房地产行业实际税收负担也进行了一些研究,但多数研究是以理论分析为主,而且研究的角度不同,结论也相差甚远。因此笔者认为,在上述背景下,研究房地产企业税收负担具有重要的理论价值和深远的现实意义。 本文对国内外相关文献进行了回顾以及研究,在此基础上对研究背景、研究目的以及研究意义进行论述。阐述实际税负的基本理论,分别界定了宏观税负和微观税负,实际税负和名义税负的概念,然后提出了本文所采用的衡量税收负担的指标。接下来本文探求了影响房地产行业所得税税负的因素,,定性的分析了这些因素对房地产上市公司所得税税负的影响,为第四章的实证研究提出基本假设。通过对2006-2011年我国房地产上市公司384个样本建立了实证模型后,采用描述性统计和多元回归的研究方法,验证出这些影响因素对房地产上市公司所得税税负的影响程度。 实证研究结果显示,公司规模、盈利能力、长期负债比率、第一股东持股比例与企业所得税税负呈负相关关系,其中公司规模、盈利能力、长期负债比率的影响力较为显著。从这个面板数据来分析,公司规模的实证结果在某种程度上验证了政治权利假说,盈利能力越强的企业,其企业所得税税负越低,流动比率、资产负债率、资本密集度与企业实际所得税税负成正相关关系,且对实际所得税税负的影响较为显著。资本密集度与企业所得税税负呈显著地正相关关系,这反映了当房地产上市公司在加快固定资产更新和投资时,税收优惠措施没有起到明显的作用。此外,我们还发现我国房地产上市公司的资产负债率越高,其企业的所得税税负越高。然而利息的挡板效应主要来源于长期负债,而不是短期债务融资。同时,年度效应的实证结果还验证了相对于2006年的企业所得税税负有下降的趋势。 根据房地产上市公司所得税税负影响因素的实证结果,本文在最后一章对房地产行业提出了一些对策以及建议。
[Abstract]:The tax burden is closely related to the economic growth of the country and the development of the enterprise, and the enterprise is the main provider of the tax revenue in our country, and the actual tax burden of the enterprise is the most concerned and most sensitive issue of the national economy and the people's livelihood. In recent years, as one of the three pillar industries in our country, the real estate industry has played an important role in the national economy, and the sustainable development of the real estate industry is a hot topic, which not only affects the development of the national economy, The development of urban construction is also affected. As a result, the policy makers and the researchers have also begun to pay close attention to the real tax burden of the real estate industry. However, in recent years, the rise of the house price, the real estate market is extremely easy to induce the foam, at this time, the government should take appropriate economic means to control and gauge the real estate market under the premise that the market mechanism is fully brought into full play. One of the most direct and effective adjustment measures is the strong implementation of tax policy However, most of the government's tax control policy focuses on the convenience of operation, and is concerned about the effectiveness. Less. After the regulation of the government, the development trend of the real estate enterprise, the actual tax burden of the industry and the factors that affect the tax burden of the real estate enterprises all need to use the reasonable method to evaluate the tax burden of the real estate industry according to the basic theory of the tax economics. Ping, so as to find out the problems in the real estate tax system, make suggestions, and ensure that the real estate industry can stably and continuously The present scholars have studied the real tax burden of the real estate industry in our country, but most of the research is based on the theoretical analysis, and the angle of the research is different, and the conclusion is very different. Therefore, in the above background, it is of great theoretical value and far-reaching realistic meaning to study the tax burden of real estate enterprises. The article reviews and studies the relevant literature at home and abroad, and on the basis of this, the research background, the purpose of the research and the research significance are discussed. The paper expounds the basic theory of the actual tax burden, and defines the concept of the macro-tax and the micro-tax, the real tax and the nominal tax, and then puts forward the measures to measure the tax burden. Then, the paper explores the factors that affect the tax burden of the real estate industry income tax, and analyzes the effect of these factors on the tax burden of the income tax of the real estate listed company, and puts forward the basis for the empirical study of the fourth chapter. This assumption is based on the analysis of 384 samples of China's real estate listed companies in 2006-2011, using descriptive statistics and multiple regression methods to verify the effect of these factors on the tax burden of the income tax of the real estate listed companies. The results of the empirical study show that the scale, profitability and long-term debt ratio of the company, the proportion of the first shareholder's shareholding and the tax burden of the enterprise income tax are negatively related, including the influence of the company's scale, the profitability and the long-term debt ratio. The force is more significant. From this panel data, the empirical results of the company's scale prove to some extent the political rights hypothesis and the stronger the profitability, the lower the enterprise income tax burden, the current ratio, the asset-liability ratio, the capital intensity and the actual income tax of the enterprise. positive correlation, and the shadow of the tax burden of the actual income tax There is a significant positive correlation between the capital intensity and the tax burden of the enterprise income tax, which reflects that when the real estate listed company is speeding up the renewal and the investment of the fixed assets, the tax preference measures do not play a role In addition, we have also found that the higher the debt-to-debt ratio of the real estate listed company in China, the higher the income of the enterprise The higher the tax burden, the higher the interest is due to long-term liabilities rather than short At the same time, the empirical result of the annual effect also verifies that the tax burden of the enterprise income tax in 2006 On the basis of the positive result of the influence factors of the income tax burden of the real estate listed company, this paper puts forward a new one to the real estate industry in the last chapter.


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